Sunday, December 30, 2007

Election malfeasance on 3 continents

Election malfeasance has resulted in bloodshed and chaos in Kenya and the severance of diplomatic ties between France and Syria over Lebanese elections, with Hades/Kronos only 1 minute from exact.

Bhutto's son will run for election of the Pakistan People's Party but his father--imprisoned for 8 years for corruption--'would manage the chairmanship on his son's behalf''.

And...the death caused by the tiger escape unleashed charges of the zoo's mismanagement by it's director, resulting in animals dying and zookeepers being injured by their charges.

Paris Hilton, Toby Keith and the transit of Pluto to Chiron

Paris Hilton and Toby Keith both got news about money this week. Both of them had transiting Pluto to natal Chiron.

Toby Keith and his family were awarded damages by a trucking company for a car accident that resulted in his father's death. In his natal chart he has a conjunction of Pluto and Chiron and transiting Pluto made a 22 1/2 degree aspect. Interestingly, at the same time, transiting Pluto also aspected his Mercury (by antiscia) symbolizing the vehicular circumstances.

Paris Hilton's natal Chiron was also aspected by transiting Pluto this week when she learned that the bulk of the Hilton money would go to a foundation funding causes from drug treatment to drought in Africa.

I've seen this combination work in a similar way before, in the natal chart of a woman who received SSI most of her adult life and by solar arc in a similar situation to Toby Keith's, when compensation made by an insurance company for a physical injury.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Hades/Kronos Contact is Exact

Hades/Kronos a variety of problems with leadership

December 29 2007 Transiting Hades=Kronos

Although Bhutto’s death eclipses in significance anything else imaginable but still today-- when the contact is exact--Hades/Kronos events continue to abound.

There is a parallel between the election-related riots erupting today in Kenya and what happened during a previous Hades/Kronos contact when 2 months of street and legal protests followed a contested election in Mexico.

Here are some other events that reflect the Hades/Kronos symbolism in today's news or that occurred today.

Ailing Cuban leader Fidel Castro hinted at retirement in a letter read aloud to Cuba's parliament yesterday (12/28), expanding on a much-discussed comment he made last week --when Hades & Kronos were no more than 15 minutes from exact-- about not "clinging to power." This time he admits that he had once longed to do so, from "excessive youth and lack of conscience," (Fidel has the south node in Capricorn)


U.N. War Crimes Tribunal Has Croatian Ex - Commander Arrested
The leader of Senegal's richest and most powerful Islamic brotherhood has died aged 92.
NASA has grudgingly released thousand of pages of pilot complaints,rejected as inadequate by Congress (12/31)
“Risqué Pics Won't Dethrone Miss France”
Valerie Begue (DOB 9/26/1985)
Natal Venus/Mars=Aries (22 ½ w less than 1 degree orb)
Also Saturn and the south node in Scorpio

A Bosnian Serb President Sworn In but apart from extreme obtinancy against any unification in Bosnia, there is nothing sick or scandalous or riot causing about him.

Today came the report of a “Pyramid Unearthed in Mexico City”. Hades also symbolizes antiques. Some very important antiquity discoveries happen when T. planets aspect Hades. The contact of Kronos with Hades was reflected in this particular antiquity itself: it was the center of political power.

In History
John Adams Natal Sun-Hades=Kronos
P. Hades=Kronos was 1' from exact when he became president.
It was exact when he lost the election:
 "a contest of personal vilification surpassing any presidential election in American history." During the 1800 campaign, Adams was called a monarchist, a warmonger, and an indecisive leader during wartime. He was tarred as a vain eccentric with an "ungovernable temper." He was attacked for his conservative outlook and for his tendency to act irresponsibly and capriciously without consulting his cabinet and advisors. His enemies spread rumors that he was insane,

Friday, December 28, 2007

Hades/Kronos Part IV

Kronos is the Uranian point that symbolizes authority including government.

Hades describes a variety of conditions ranging from unrefined to criminal; sickness and death.

A Hades/Kronos contact will have been exact by antiscia on December 29th.

By far, the event with the most impact on the world was the assassination of Benazir Bhutto on December 27th,

But between December 19th-28th (while Hades/Kronos have only been between 2--17 minutes from exact) 5 heads of state have come into power. 4 are either under indictment or investigation or have been imprisoned, and another has been “likened to the Emperor Nero, who fiddled while Rome burned”.

South Korea elected Lee Myong-Bak on December 19th. He “swept to a huge victory but Mr. Lee’s landslide was tempered by a new investigation directed at him; an indictment would raise questions about the legitimacy of his administration. (His sun is 27 Sagittarius and he won when the Jupiter/Pluto conjunction was conjunct his sun)

On the same day, South Africa elected Jacob Zuma “handing the current President a resounding defeat.” 2 days later, the chief prosecutor indicated that his agency would soon bring criminal corruption charges against Zuma.

In Thailand on December 23, the party of the deposed Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra won the election, returning him to power. Thaksin “a populist figure and billionaire faces corruption charges but remains loved by poor and rural Thais”.

On the same day, in India voters re-elected “Narendra Modi, arguably India’s most incendiary officeholder, as the chief minister of the western state of Gujarat. His victory, by a wide margin, was a stunning defeat.” Mr. Modi is the politician likened to Nero.

On December 28th, Raila Odinga of Kenya, imprisoned for treason in the 1980‘s, was elected leader of Kenya.

In other news about the heads of countries, Argentina’s president’s is involved in a scandal, the result of US Grand Jury indicting 5 men charged with illegally operating as agents of the Venezuelan government in covering up a scheme to deliver $800,000 in a cash-filled suitcase to the campaign of Argentina’s new president. And Italy's Prime Minister is being asked to resign.

The last Hades/Kronos contact occurred between September and early November of 2006. For much of the time, Saturn was also part of the picture.

During that period Tony Blair resigned along with others, and the heads of state in Russia, Sweden, Taiwan, Hungary and India were fired, resigned or were urged to resign. The Mark Foley scandal exploded, the Enron executives were convicted and sentenced and Jack Abramoff was jailed. A church Bishop was excommunicated and the Pope found himself in hot water, accused by irate Muslim leaders from around the world of dividing religions. Dramatic headlines appeared like “Corruption Scandals Wrack Israel” and “Bush faces Senate Rebellion”.

The sheer numbers of leaders with problems during that 9-week period was staggering. All over the world, dozens of government officials of every level as well as corporate presidents were fired, resigned or were pressured to resign; 5 died, 2 were murdered; others were accused, arrested, charged, indicted, convicted, sentenced, or began standing trial. The charges ranged from the typical--miscreant sexual or financial activity-- to the “widespread and arbitrary use of the death penalty” by the Supreme Court of China where 80-90% of the world’s executions occur.

It’s also interesting to note the aftermath of the leaders who came to power during that time frame. Shinzo Abe was elected the new Prime Minister of Japan. He recently resigned exactly 1 year later after one of his Ministers (like the head of a cabinet) committed suicide and 2 others resigned in scandal.

The Democrats gained control of the House and the Senate, arguably to the subsequent disappointment of those who elected them.

Ban Ki-moon became Secretary General of the UN and is currently being accused of nepotism.

There was also some Hades/Kronos humor during the previous contacts. Hugo Chavez in a speech called President Bush THE (not a) devil 6 times.

And this admission from the Hungarian President as he resists the demand for his resignation: he ''lied in the morning, in the evening and at night…we screwed up. Not a little, a lot. No European country has done something as boneheaded as we have -- You cannot quote any significant government measure we can be proud of.”

This past week, at least one ruler seems apparently untouched by the problems of some of the other leaders this week. Queen Elizabeth, on a day when Jupiter trined her sun, became the English monarch who has lived and held the throne the longest since the English monarchy began.

More Hades/Kronos lies ahead. In addition to the contact on December 29th, another exact aspect will occur on May 22nd and 23rdof 2008. But unlike the nine-week Hades/Kronos station between September and November of 2006, these particular contacts are very brief.

In February 2009, Hades and Kronos will station near each other but will be 22 minutes from exact. It will still be a time worth watching.

Article Links:
Saturn/Kronos & Hades/Kronos
Hades/Kronos Part II
Hades/Kronos Part III


2007 has been a good year for Al Gore and Vladimir Putin. Putin recently won Time’s Person of the Year Award and Gore won the Nobel Prize. Here are the winning pictures in their solar returns.

Putin DOB 10-7-1952 9:30 AM St. Petersburg, Russia 10/7/2007
Solar Return Sun=Apollon=Vulcanus (5.375 /5’ orb)
(the complete picture also includes Uranus)

Bob Dylan won nobel prize  P. Sun=P. Apollon/64H 1' orb

Gore DOB 3/31/1948 12:53PM Washington, DC 3/31/2007
Solar Return Jupiter=Cupido=Vulcanus=Sun/Apollon (5.37.50 / 14’ orb)
Mercury and Venus=Apollon/Vulcanus (5.37.50 / 10’ orb)

BUT Gore’s previous solar return--for the period he won an Academy Award is not as illustrative. Close to the Aries point are Sun=Cupido=Hades (64H/ 27’ orb).
Kronos and Juno are on the Apollon/Vulcanus midpoint.

In my opinion, the solar return that includes Gore’s Nobel Prize is more descriptive of that kind of winning event. Astrology is rarely neat.


Sean Penn’s marriage is breaking up. In his 2007 solar return, he has Venus/Saturn=Aries (5.37.30 with 10’ orb).
DOB 08/17/1960 3:17 PM Burbank, CA.