Thursday, November 29, 2007


Intense desire

Edward VIII  This explains alot..he was overwhelmed by the force of Vulcanus and Venus when he met Wallis Simpson N. Venus conjunct Vulcanus  Edward VIII 6/23/1894 10PM Richmond England

Elvis met Priscilla P. Vulcanus sqq N. Venus 1' orb DOB 1/8/1935 4:35PM Tupalo, MS

Oprah met Steadman (1986) . P, Vulcanus station=Venus 1983--2004
N. Sun=Venus=Saturn=Vulcanus
DOB 1/29/1954 4:39AM Kossiusko, MS

Elizabeth I
Fell in love with the love of her life "spring 1559" P. Venus conjunct P. Vulcanus
Also T. Cupido opposite Sun and T. Juno station conjunct N Juno

--A client with P. Chiron=Venus/Vulcanus endured a stalker.
--A client w. P. Mercury=Venus/Vulcanus received a sex toy in the mail.
--89 year old client's naked body admired by her doctor

Katharine Hepburn met Spencer Tracy
P. Venus conjunct natal and then P. Vulcanus
SR Venus=Mars=Jupiter
she had natal Saturn=Venus/Mars

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I have Venus 19° conjunct Mars 21° in Cancer 3rd House (2nd House whole sign) and Vulkanus conjunct Venus at the same 19°. What could this mean?