Sunday, December 30, 2007

Paris Hilton, Toby Keith and the transit of Pluto to Chiron

Paris Hilton and Toby Keith both got news about money this week. Both of them had transiting Pluto to natal Chiron.

Toby Keith and his family were awarded damages by a trucking company for a car accident that resulted in his father's death. In his natal chart he has a conjunction of Pluto and Chiron and transiting Pluto made a 22 1/2 degree aspect. Interestingly, at the same time, transiting Pluto also aspected his Mercury (by antiscia) symbolizing the vehicular circumstances.

Paris Hilton's natal Chiron was also aspected by transiting Pluto this week when she learned that the bulk of the Hilton money would go to a foundation funding causes from drug treatment to drought in Africa.

I've seen this combination work in a similar way before, in the natal chart of a woman who received SSI most of her adult life and by solar arc in a similar situation to Toby Keith's, when compensation made by an insurance company for a physical injury.

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