Wednesday, July 25, 2007


RPP: Sudden marriage.  Sudden wedding. Sudden event in the family

Marriage and family:
Sudden changes in marriage and family
Love affairs outside of marriage

Friends and associations 
Change suddenly
Subject to destabilizing events (to be cause or victim)
Are unconventional, individualists (Tucked away in RPP: “revolutionary union”)  
Technical, scientific organizations; less common: family includes scientists in
Art and tech 
Experimental or independent artist; avant-garde, visionary, can't be categorized
Includes surprise element

Sudden changes in personal relationships and associates
DJT natal aspect  Met/married his 1st wife in less than 1 year when  P. Uranus=Cupido exact.  As president, he had constant changes to his Cabinet and 92% turnover rate to his A-team, highest in history Ronald Reagan was #2; he had a minor aspect of Uranus/Cupido

Princess Diana  N. Uranus=Cupido 3’ orb     
Events: P. Cupido=Uranus between 1’ orb and exact orb (approaching)
Her mother left with another man
Her grandmother testified against her mother and father got custody
Years later, when the progressed aspect was 3’ orb (separating)
She first met Charles 
On transits to the aspect:
When  reconnected; she was introduced to his family T. Uranus triggered aspect
They became engaged with T. Saturn and Jupiter triggering the aspect
She met “the greatest love (she) ever had P. Asd. triggered aspect approx. 10’ orb
Confronted Charles’ lover at a party T. Saturn triggered aspect less than 1o  orb
Extramarital affairs are not always the manifestation of Uranus/Cupido, but they’re really common:
When Angelina Jolie connected with Brad Pitt,  he was married.
P. Uranus=her natal Uranus/Cupido midpoint 
She had natal Sun=Uranus/Cupido
19th century libertine, George Eliot, had a tight natal square, with Saturn nearby.   When P. Cupido=Uranus, she fell in love with a married man with whom she had a scandalous open relationship, leaving he shunned by society.  After he died, she married midst more controversy: her husband was 20 years younger and attempted suicide on their honeymoon by jumping into a Venetian Canal.  P. Saturn was on the midpoint of Saturn/Cupido and SR Neptune/Cupido 
       set up his wife with another man, hoping for grounds for divorce.  P. Cupido was with Uranus.   Eventually, she married that other man.

Different kinds of sudden events between people:

Cecil Rhodes loved his secretary, who was injured in an accident and died in Rhodes’ arms.  Rhodes natal Uranus/Cupido and at the time of the event, Uranus/Cupido SA the Aries point. 

Man who was repeatedly struck by lightning
“He was avoided by people later in life because of their fear of being hit by lightning, and this saddened him. ‘For instance, I was walking with the Chief Ranger one day when lightning struck way off (in the distance). The Chief said, 'I'll see you later.’“  See Uranus/Zeus for his lightning episodes.

Uranus/Cupido and art
Art and tech 
Experimental or independent artist; avant-garde, visionary, can't be categorized
Includes surprise element
High tech Nazi (Joseph Goebbels   
He gained control of radio stations 
Urged production of inexpensive home receivers, sold nearly ten million sets        P. Uranus=Cupido 2’ orb
When the progressed aspect was exact: 
He staged the 1st televised Summer Olympics P. Uranus=
He staged the Degenerate Art Exhibition P. Uranus=Cupido exact
He had an affair        
Leonardo DaVinci made drawing of a flying machine in 1588 with P. Uranus=Cupido        
Sally Field and Mary Martin were both rigged to fly in  “Peter Pan” and in “The Flying Nun” Natal aspect
Historical art event:  The term “cubism” is 1st used at a Futurist exhibition
provoking a scandal

Organizations that use technology

Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard  N. Mercury=Mars=Uranus=Cupido

Scientology is an organization that uses a technical device.
It was launched and proliferated when  P. Cupido station=P. Uranus
His son suicides in a car  T. Mercury & Chiron triggered the picture 

Born one day after Hubbard; here’s what happened to them when P. Uranus=Cupido

President Ortiz Mexico 1968 killed many student demonstrators
Belgian leader declares Belgian Congo independent, then assassinates elected PM.  And he got married.

According to the RPP

RPP: Sudden marriage.  Sudden wedding. Sudden event in the family

My findings:

Uranus/Cupido and relationships

  • Unusual family.  Sudden changes in the family
  • Extra marital affairs
  • Unconventional associations (non conformist, idealists radical, reformers, odd, unusual range of interests) 
  • Surprises, instability through family, friends  or connections (including professional)      
              .  destabilizing events with others (to be the cause or victim)
             .  connections that are unconventional (radical, reformers, odd, unusual range of interests)          

Donald Trump Uranus/Cupido 
Professionally: “President Trump’s team turnover rate is 92%"
Personal relationship: extramarital affairs

Angelina Jolee connected with Brad Pitt, he was married
she had P. Uranus=Uranus/Cupido.  She has natal Sun=Uranus/Cupido

George Eliot tight natal aspect
P. Cupido=Uranus she met/fell in love with married an and had scandalous open unmarried relationship
When she married,  her husband jumped into a canal on their honeymoon.

Husband set wife up with another man so he'd have grounds for divorce.  P. Cupido=Uranus

Cecil Rhodes natal aspect
Cecil Rhodes secretary/lover was his heir.  He was young but he died in an accident.  He died in Rhodes' arms.  

Brigitte Neilson family intervention T. Uranus=Cupido

P. Uranus=Cupido In 1981, White published his autobiography, Flaws in the Glass: a self-portrait, which explored issues about which he had publicly said little such as his homosexuality, his dislike of the "subservient" attitude of Australian society towards Britain and the Royal family, and also the distance he had felt towards his mother

A different kind of sudden relationship event:

Man who was struck by lightening.  “He was avoided by people later in life because of their fear of being hit by lightning, and this saddened him. ‘For instance, I was walking with the Chief Ranger one day when lightning struck way off (in the distance). The Chief said, 'I'll see you later.’“

Here's an interesting one about a rebellious woman in Seattle who became a folk hero for holding on to her home when commercial developers offered her a million dollars to sell.  And they built around her.
Edith Macefield N. Uranus=Cupido=Vulcanus=Saturn/Vesta within 46' of the Aries Point.

In the news:

"GOP has luck of the draw" Candidate was named the winner only after his name was randomly drawn from a bowl.  T. Cupido opposite N. Uranus'

Ayanna Pressley won an upset primary N. Uranus//Cupido -- P. Uranus//Cupido 1' orb  DOB 2 3 1973

Uranus/Cupido and technology: groups, companies with technology at the center

Steve Jobs (He also has Uranus/Chiron=Aries and Uranus/Hades=Aries) N. Uranus=N.Cupido (64H/5' orb)

Organization that uses technology: Scientology (no judgments as to weirdness)
Founder L. Ron Hubbard Natal Mercury=Mars=Uranus=Cupido
P. Uranus station with P. Cupido (end of 1940's to end of 1960's) never more than 1' orb
Scientology is launched and proliferates.  
Hubbard also had Natal Mercury=Mars=Uranus=Cupido;  when it was triggered by a  transit of  Mercury and Chiron, he had a sudden event in his family: his son committed suicide in a car 

Uranus/Cupido and art:
  • Art and tech 
  • Experimental or independent artist; avante garde, visionary, can't be categorized
  • Includes surprise element
Joseph Goebbels high tech media Nazi 

        He gained control of radio stations

        Urged production of inexpensive home receivers, sold nearly ten million sets              P. Uranus=Cupido orb was exact—2' orb

       He staged the 1st ever televised  Summer Olympics P. Uranus=Cupido exact  

P. Uranus=Cupido exact he had an affair

  • P Uranus=Cupido exact Staged Degenerate Art Exhibition

Artists who who used mechanical aids:
Sally Field (Flying Nun) and Mary Martin (Peter Pan) were rigged to fly

Leonardo made sketches for flying machine P. Uranus=P. Cupido

N. Uranus square Cupido (approx. 5' orb)
Franz von Suppé DOB 4/8/1819
Composer who died in 1895 but his works are used in animated cartoons today.
Also Pallas trine Uranus (approx 1 degree orb)

Avant guard artist known for combining technology and chance with art before others. Connections with other bohemian artists. (Also Uranus/Hades=Aries) DOB 10/2/1917 N. Uranus=Cupido (22 1/2 approx 24' orb)

Artist who created the Rocketeer, one of the 1st sensations of independent comics movement.
He's got both art & technology as well as experimental attributes of art.  N. Jupiter=Uranus=Cupido (64H/approx 7' orb)

Surprise element: "One night, Modigliani suddenly gave a yell and, grabbing paper and pencil, began to draw feverishly, shouting that he had found ‘the way.’ and  triumphantly produced a study of a woman’s head and the swan neck for which he has become famous.” Jupiter=Uranus=Cupido

Event: Elvis Costello on  liveTV suddenly changes mid-song to another song T. Uranus ssq N Cupido

JFK’s assassin shot on live TV.  Shooter’s Uranus/Cupido triggered by T. Pluto

New, innovative: Early beebop artist Frank Morgan DOB 12/23/1933 N. Uranus=Cupido=Vulcanus (64H/approx 5' orb)

News: T. Uranus=T. Cupido exactly  
The term "Cubism" is first used  at a futurist exhibition.  Provoked "involuntary scandal" 


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