Wednesday, October 3, 2007



RPP To be independent.  Autocratic action. The kernel formula for the great leader and organizer.  The "Great Original".  Master of the house.  Police.  Power of the State.

NovaChartwheels   Power of the state.  Police authorities

My findings: The Mars effect: 

        Have a leadership role; actively take charge

        Involvement with government or government-backed activity

        Active intercession of leaders (such as your boss) or  authorities at any level of government (police are common)

         Active management methods e.g, encouragement, micromanagement, reform

         Confrontation with officials.  Assault by officials.

Some USA Presidents have Mars/Kronos pictures:
Chester A. Arthur (64H/16’)
James Buchanan Aries=Mar/Kronos (64H/7’)
U.S Grant (opposition/26’)
George H.W. Bush MC=Mars/Kronos (22 ½) (also Venus=Mars/Kronos/64H)
Trump became president: SR Mars=Node=Kronos

These people were in a hall of fame, but when they had other Mars/Kronos manifestations 

Jimi Hendrix  Hall of Fame.  But when progression was exact, he joined the army.

 Football player Member of the Hall of Fame.  US President interceded, relieved him of military duty during a military crisis to play football.  For that event: Mars/Kronos SA Asd.  (We saw him in Saturn/Zeus category/relieved of military duty)

Automotive hall of fame: Robert Bosch Supplied auto industry and government munitions  to a warring government he didn't support. Mercury=Mars=Zeus=Kronos 

Planets at the midpoint

Confrontation with foreign government over forestry film unsympathetic to that government.  Harrison Ford Vice-Chairperson environmental org.  T. Hades conjunct N. MC, triggers natal Mars/Zeus/Kronos/Ceres

--Minister of Finance in Austria (DOB 4/18/1938 8:45AM Vienna)
Another government finance official had Pluto=Aries/Kronos

Johnny Depp ongoing litigation (libel, etc)
P. Kronos=Mars
P. Chiron=Saturn/Kronos getting counseling for battered women

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