Saturday, September 10, 2016

Midpoints: Money, wealth, lottery winners u

Planetary pictures which represent money--and even wealth in some instances 
They apply to natal charts as well as progressions, solar returns and transits
  • A good number of financial giants have a prominent Pluto
  • Pluto/Vulcanus
  • Jupiter/Pluto
  • Jupiter/Apollon
  • Jupiter/Uranus corresponds with serendipitous and usually fortunate material situations (there's an exception if you scroll down) 
  • Jupiter/Neptune often symbolizes a windfall or wanton spending
          Jupiter/Neptune will frequently correspond with financial events, but sometimes 
          it symbolizes an event or a lifetime that involves many doctors

Rupert Murdoch has Sun trine Pluto and Sun=Jupiter/Uranus (Sun=Cupido)
DOB  3/11/1931 11:59PM Melbourne, Australia

Trump has Jupiter=Pluto 5' orb (when he became president his solar arc triggered it off;
(power but also a biz opportunity?) 6/14/1946 10:54AM Queens, NY 

Bill Gates
Aries=Jupiter/Uranus 2' orb
When he had first big success, a shipment to IBM his SR contained Jupiter=Pluto=Aries
10/28/1955 10PM Seattle, WA

Steve Jobs
2/24/1955 7:16PM San Francisco, CA

Richard Branson has Pluto conjunct Asd. and Sun=Pluto (22 1/2 - 24' orb), Pluto//Vulcanus  He also has MC=Jupiter/Apollon (but  a rounded off time of birth)  
7/18/1950 7AM Blackheath UK

Michael Bloomberg has Pluto in the first house and Aries=Sun/Pluto (22 1/2 - 10' orb) as well as Node and Cupido=Jupiter/Apollon (22 1/2 - 20' orb).  2/14/1942 3:40PM Brighton, MA

Warren Buffett Jupiter square Uranus  
Jupiter/Pluto=Aries 64H/7' orb  Jupiter/Neptune=Asd (rounded off time of birth) 
Jupiter//Pluto//Vulcanus (and Saturn!)

John D. Rockefeller Sun=Jupiter/Apollon 30' orb
Mars//Pluto  DOB 1/29/1874 10AM Cleveland, Ohio

Silvio Berlusconi  
Sun=Pluto 22 1/2   -  12' orb  
Jupiter square Neptune (Saturn too!)  Mars/Pluto=Aries 4' orb
DOB 9/29/1936 6:40AM Milan, Italy

Lilliane Bettencourt
Sun=Jupiter/Uranus 15' orb (also Sun=Admetos)
DOB 10/21/1922 9AM Paris, France


Lottery Winner #1 ($35 million) was the most 'predictable'.  Born with MC=Jupiter/Neptune (22 1/2 - 22' orb as well as Jupiter=Neptune=MC 1 degree 5' orb),  when she won there was a full moon in Scorpio opposite Sun in Taurus while transiting Pluto was square to natal Jupiter.  In her solar return was Jupiter=Pluto=Node=Apollon=Vulcanus=Kronos (22 1/2 - 1 degree orb) 
DOB 4/24/1950 4:45 AM, Methuan, MA;

 Pictures comprised of 6 planets can be tricky to interpret, but note that this picture contained both Jupiter/Pluto and Jupiter/Apollon with Vulcanus (which amplifies) signifying a strong financial component.    When she bought the ticket a week earlier, transiting Jupiter made an exact contact (22 1/2) to her natal Sun/Apollon configuration--a repetition of Jupiter/Apollon symbolism. 

Lottery winner # 2 was born with natal Sun=Jupiter/Uranus.  By solar arc, Pluto was 10' past the Sun and 6' from Jupiter/Uranus. DOB 12/5/1954 12:19PM  Brighton, MA;  won on 2/23/1993

Interestingly, Sun/Apollon--the midpoint picture associated with success and fame--appeared in both these lottery winners' horoscopes.   Winner #1 had natal Sun/Apollon (hit off by a full moon in Taurus/Scorpio) and Lottery winner 2 had P. Moon=Sun/Apollon (5' orb) on the day of the drawing and Aries=Sun/Apollon (6' orb) in his solar return for that year.  

Lottery winners #3 and #4 were twins born 3 minutes apart--of particular interest because their times of birth were carefully noted.  Each had natal MC=Jupiter/Uranus (22' orb and 43' orb).   They were also born with Jupiter=Pluto (22 1/2 - 1' orb) altho, like Bill Gates and Donald Trump, the configuration made no contact to personal points.   Their solar returns contained traditional astrological symbolism for money--Jupiter and Pluto in Scorpio in their 2nd houses (although not in aspect to each other.)   Mercury also played a symbolic role in the  brothers' financial gain: their solar returns had Mercury=Jupiter=Neptune (22 1/2 - 22' orb) and when the brothers won the lottery, transiting Sun in Cancer was trine to (stationing) transiting Jupiter in Scorpio with both points forming a trine to their natal Mercury's.    DOB 2/28/1954  4:05AM Boston, (twin n 4:09AM)

#5 Won $1 million dollars in a slot machine
T. Pluto=N. Jupiter (semi-octile)
DOB 4/7/1953 10:32PM Everett Mass
Event 1/19/1992

Lottery winner #6 (husband of #5)
Natal MC and ASC=Jupiter/Uranus and Jupiter/Apollon
On 1/19 1992 his wife won $1MM in Atlantic City, P. Jupiter=N. Neptune (ssq) and N. Apollon (semi-octile) exactly
T. Sun=T. Jupiter both semi-octile natal Venus
DOB 12/23/1946 11:20PM Chelsea Mass.

Lottery winner #7 T. Jupiter=T. Pluto semi-octile
T. Jupiter square N. Jupiter
T. Pluto semi octile N. Jupiter
DOB 10/22/1966 6:20 PM Winchester, Mass
Won 11/25/1993

Lottery winner #8
T. Pluto=N. Jupiter (semi octile)
DOB 11/8/1942 4AM Kapuskasing, Canada
Event: 6/29/1991

#9 Victoria Grell no big natal picture that I could see
T. Jupiter=N. Neptune
P, Jupiter//P. Pluto 9' orb
SR Jupiter=Neptune sqq 1 degree orb
P Venus=Jupiter/Uranus 5' orb - Bought ticket in her husband's name  (She had natal Pluto=Sun/Moon 64H)
DOB 9/9/1911 8AM Trieste, Italy
Event 12/14/1956

#10 Her husband
N. Moon=Jupiter/Uranus
P. Pluto=P. Vulcanus
Natal Aries=Venus=Jupiter=Cupido with T. Jupiter triggering the picture
DOB 20 April 1906 at 02:12AM St.Louis, Missouri
Event 12/14/1956

#11 Colin Traynor Weir
P. Asc=Jupiter/Uranus (the TOB appears rounded off)
P. Jupiter=MC
SR Jupiter=Apollon=Kronos Also N. Jupiter/Kronos (an RPP pic for wealth)
WTF: P. Chiron=Mars
DOB 24 May 1947 4:20PM Edinburgh, Scotland
Event: July 12, 2011


Kanye West Pluto=Jupiter/Uranus
The whole picture is Mercury=Hades=Pluto=Chiron=Jupiter/Uranus
His breakthrough came when he fell asleep at the wheel and was involved in a near-fatal car crash.  The accident inspired West; two weeks after being admitted to hospital, he recorded a song  with his jaw still wired shut. The composition, "Through the Wire" helped lay the foundation for his debut album, as according to West "all the better artists have expressed what they were going through"  ALSO P. CHIRON=HADES=PAIN
Please read  the blog entry on Pluto/Chiron and fame; Kanye West is a fantastic example 

Mayer Amschel Rothschild origin of Rothschild family fortune 
N. Pluto=Jupiter/Apollon
When P. Pluto=Jupiter/Apollon exactly, the grandson of Samuel Oppenheimer taught Rothschild useful knowledge in foreign trade and currency exchange

N. Neptune=Jupiter/Apollon Client who worked at medical mutual fund. 

SR Vesta=Jupiter/Apollon  Roommate is financier.  

SR Cupido=Jupiter/Apollon  Husband writes jingles for a bank. 

Paul McCartney P. Jupiter=Apollon 1' orb
Beatles got signed

The following 2 illustrations are unusual, but they happened
  • Wall street bankrupt P. Jupiter=P. Uranus
  • Madoff had P. Sun=P. Jupiter=Natal Neptune (64H) when arrested for financial miscreance  And....the North Node in Scorpio is not necessarily big money but it's free resources and sometimes big money.

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