Nova Chartwheels:
General damages through steam power.
Losses through fire. Fire losses
in business establishments. Damage to
Obstacles and hindrances in work activity.
Losses while working.
To separate or interrupt activities.
Events without consequences.
Heredity. Perseverance.
Fear, anxiety, anguish
My findings:
Physical growth inhibitor --Mickey Rooney, Linda Hunt, Toulouse Lautrec
. Marguerite Duras wrote The Lovers at age 79.
. Grandma Moses started painting at age 78
. Maggie Kuhn started Gray Panthers working rights for seniors
Sun=Saturn/Zeus <`1 degree 8/4/1905
. Ruth Bader Ginsberg
. Artist who became famous in her 90's Saturn/Zeus=Cupido/Vulcanus=Aries within 10' orb
October 28, 1921 Luchita Hurtad
. Ruth Bader Ginsberg opposition 2 degree orb
Sandra Bullock
Samuel Morse Age 66
Susan Sarandon
Minor aspects: Cary Grant, Tammy Duckworth, Halle Barry, Marguerite Navarre, Anne of Austria
Martina Navratilova P. Zeus station square N. Saturn; she retired, returned, retired, returned.
Diana Nyad P. Vulcanus=Saturn/Zeus; career resurgence in her 60’s
Tiger Woods natal chart
Winston Churchill natal
Also, possibly Pluto/Zeus?
Professional return for ousted exee: natal Mars-Saturn/Zeus (also Pallas=Chiron bad work behavior got him ousted) Jan. 12, 1957
Pussycat dolls reunion 5 out of 6 have natal Saturn/Zeus
Nicole Scherzinger June 29, 1978)
announced reunion 11/28/2019 T. Saturn=Zeus!
Carmit Bachar September 4, 1974
N Saturn/Zeus=Aries
Ashley Allyn Roberts (born September 14, 1981)
N. Saturn/Zeus=Aries
Jessica Lynn Sutta (born May 15, 1982
N. Saturn//Zeus
T. Saturn conjunct N. South Node Capricorn; not a great sign for the longevity of this reunion
Melody Thornton (born September 28, 1984
N. Saturn/Zeus=Mars and Cupido and Admetos
Kimberly Kaye Wyatt (born February 4, 1982)
no Saturn/Zeus by major aspect
Instances of enduring work produced at the time
of transit/progression with a lukewarm
reception at the time.
Long running litigation (cases ruled on,
contested, re-opened)
RPP "Losses while producing"
man gets death threats when he sets sports record (+ aspect for enmity Sun=Saturn/Hades)
War and weapons: involve in war without fighting. Discharge from military. Some anti-war.
People involved in war but not fighting;
. Bob Hope and Martha Rae entertained the troops.
. Honorable discharge from the military due to health.
(P. Saturn conjunct N. Zeus/Kirk Douglas)
. John Bolton Natal + Progression exact. enlisted in the National Guard in 1970.
"I confesss I had no desire to die in a Southeast Asian rice paddy.
I considered the war in Vietnam already lost." (minor aspect)
he doesn't fight.
. JFK and Jacques Levy write major military books after they left military; when they're civilians
. Leonardo N. chart +progressions:
he could inhabit property all his life, but it was not his to sell.
against Michelangelo's wishes
. Mahatma Gandhi natal Sun=Saturn/Zeus passive resistance
defense platform
. Wife assisted wives and children and soldiers who married without permission
on whom the Army turned its back. N. Venus=Saturn/Zeus Sir Richard Burton
Eventually, recalled in disgrace. Catherine N. Mercury=Saturn/Zeus
. Richard V. Spencer Dept of Navy resigned war crimes Saturn//Zeus DOB 1/18/1954 no tob
He had N. Mercury=Saturn/Zeus. When he shot himself P. Pallas=Saturn/Zeus
. Writer, Viovanni Pascoli's father assasinated; shot in vehicle;
Palcoli's natal Mercury=Saturn/Zeus (6')
. William Burroughs shot his wife, killing her T. Saturn-N. Zeus
T. Saturn conjunct T. Zeus square T. Kronos
- Battle of Verdun ended.
- Rasputin assassination attempt (??conjunct his natal Apollon). The first shots didn't did not succeed in killing Rasputin. After a while "Rasputin opened his eyes and became aware of his predicament." He struggled up the stairs to reach the first landing, opening an unlocked door to the courtyard. Alarmed by the noise the assassins went down and fired at Rasputin four times, missing three times. The shots were fatal; he would have died within 10–20 minutes, but when the body made a sudden movement, one of the assassins placed his revolver on the forehead and pulled the trigger.
- One day earlier the largest most luxurious hotel in the US burned to the ground.
- 100 avalanches killed 18000 soldiers. Kronos=Mountain for sure. Unsure of weather this was tied to a warming/melting effect.
Assad of Syria--T. Zeus on the antiscia of N. Saturn -- Cease fire.
- Federal ad regulator decides if it's all right to sell snuff as tobacco without secondhand smoke
- A Federal judge dismissed claims by 2 tobacco companies that California's tough anti-smoking ads unfaily smear their reputation
- New York State antismoking law begins
- Gathering from 171 countries to shape guidelines of international anti-smoking treaty.
- This happened at a different time, when T. Saturn was opposite Zeus
- Health Officials Gather In Uruguay To Discuss WHO Anti-Smoking Treaty 11/16/2010
Committed murder: T. Jupiter triggered N. Saturn/Zeus aspect
(opposite N. Saturn/conjunct N. Zeus--T. Jupiter conjunct N. Zeus!)
DOB 6/281964 NO TOB
Event: 5/13/1992
Grenfell water tower June 14, 2017
Notre Dame April 15, 2019
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