Saturday, April 5, 2008

This week: Pluto Rx, Mercury square Pluto, Ceres square Saturn

On April 2nd, Pluto went retrograde. There are often BIG financial events on the day or within a day of Pluto turning retrograde or direct. There were a couple of events, but these days, there are so many extraordinary financial circumstances, the events corresponding with this retrograde were not particularly discernable, but here they are:
--Bernanke Nods at Possibility of a Recession testifying before the Joint Economic Committee on Wednesday
--Senate Democrats and Republicans reached a general agreement Wednesday on legislation to help Americans in danger of losing their homes.
--Federal Officials Address Bear Stearns Before Senate Banking Committee on Thursday.

On Thursday, Mercury in Aries squared Pluto (Mercury/Pluto). There were a few more events than usual that included writing, writers and reports (some were more clearly Plutonian than others):
--U.S. Students Achieve Mixed Results on Writing Test according to nationwide test results released Thursday.
--A human rights activist in China was sentenced on Thursday to three and a half years in prison after ruling that his critical essays about Communist Party rule incited subversion.
--Report Says Chevron Owes Billions for Ecuadorean Pollution
--U.S. Study Finds Progress in Iraq, but Fragile Security and Potential for Terror Attacks
--Article published in the journal Science on Thursdays reported on findings that DNA from ancient human feces found in a cave in Oregon provides biological verification that people were in North America 14,000 years ago. (In my opinion, the most Plutonian of the events.)

Ceres squared Saturn on Friday, April 4th. Reflecting Saturn/Ceres symbolism:
--Four Killed as Haitians Riot Over Food Prices (which led to the fall of the government a week later)
--Nearly half of Pakistan’s 160 million people are at risk of going short of food due to a surge in prices, according to the World Food Programme.
--North Korea’s Growing Rancor May Increase Hunger. North Korea’s government suspended distribution of food rations for six months in the capital to save food as North Korea braced for a prolonged standoff with Washington and Seoul over the North’s nuclear program. (This actually occurred on Thursday, one day before the exact aspect.)

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