Wednesday, December 1, 2021


RPP Unsuccessful fights

Creative imagination

Wasted energy.  Without direction


Infammable gas.  Liquid fuel.  Steam.  

Concealed weapons

Unsuccessful fights It's in the natal chart of Zelensky.   As of this writing April 2023, time will tell.  He did sink the Muscova (see below for navy)


My findings:


War wounds 

Military hospital  

Health exemptions from military

Drug/alcohol fueled aggression

Medical dispute

Neptune/Zeus and military.  War and health; war and water

Someone with multiple manifestations:

His father worked in army hospitals

His father worked in army hospitals 

He was in the navy

He killed 22 people while intoxicated

George Hennard mass shooter October 15 1956

Painter Degas: During rifle training his eyesight was found to be defective, and for the rest of his life his eye problems were a constant worry to him.  Mars=Neptune=Pallas=Zeus=Apollon

Bay of Pigs invasion: T. Neptune=T. Zeus 4/17/1961 (22 1/2 aspect approx 13' orb) with T. Hades 1 degree away.  Both Castro and Kennedy had natal Neptune/Zeus

Fidel Castro N. Neptune/Zeus=Aries (22 1/2 approx 3' orb

JFK (64H/23') Saturn=Neptune=Zeus I think this describes the Bay of Pigs Invasion in both charts. JFK also PT Boat in WW2.

 Cher and Donald Trump born 3 weeks apart with the same Neptune/Zeus aspect.  Here's what happened on their progressed contacts

Cher natal chart/visited army hospital when progression was exact

Trump got a medical deferment for heel spurs but couldn’t remember which heel. He got 4 deferments in 4 years.

Coined the term "shell shocked" Jupiter=Apollon=Neptune/Zeus.  Charles Meyers 3/13/1873

Married to military surgeon N. Jupiter=Neptune=Zeus (=Vesta) Kathleen Ollerenshaw 10/1/1912

Undercover spy:   Belle Boyd P. Neptune st. =Zeus (64H/2' orb)

Disputes or aggressive behavior associated with drugs/alcohol/liquids; medicine

Mel B throws her drink on TV T. Neptune and Uranus trigger natal Uranus/Zeus =N. Uranus/Zeus 30' orb

Drunk Ted Turner punched Murdoch after boat race T. Zeus conjunct N. Neptune

Singer bans alcohol at shows due to rowdy behavior

Nancy Reagan natal chart War on Drugs

Killed a  bartender P. Neptune=P. Zeus=P. Chiron

Shot in cocaine deal SR Neptune/Zeus=Aries (Grandmaster Jam Master Jay

William the Conquerer trouble began between William and his eldest son, Robert.  the quarrel was started when William and Henry threw water at Robert

Killed in drug raid: Brianna Taylor 6/4/1993

Suez Crisis: Nasser had T. Neptune square N. Zeus 1 degree orb

Russian and US Navy boat clash.  Donald Trump T. Chiron=Natal Neptune/Zeus

Something different/water and war:

Neptune/Zeus=Vulcanus (wide orb: Neptune=Zeus=Vulcanus)
launched the Flyboard, the world’s first water-propelled hoverboard, which propelled its users up in the air using a strong stream of water.


Doctors disagreement:

 “Psychiatrist who focused on cognitive therapy attacked by psychiatrists, who  focused on drug treatments” Dr. Aaron Beck Several instances of doctors fighting

Protested hospital treatment and medication:  Kate Millett was mental hospitalized against her will;  the hospitalization and medication went on to be a big cause for her.

Anti-war doctor: started two antiwar doctors groups that shared in Nobel Peace Prizes DOB 11/11/1925 H. Jack Geiger

 News event: The Longest Walk protest led to American Indian Religious Freedom Act allowing the use of peyote in worship

Dispute over medical location Vesta=Neptune/Zeus

AIDS doctor's locations for treating prostitutes are rejected from various neighborhoods.  Natal  11/25/1940

But here’s another manifestation of Vesta=Neptune/Zeus Peter Zumthor architect who won 2009 Pritzker Prize, the highest recognition for architects. He is best known for a thermal spa in an Alpine commune. DOB 4/26/1943

 Boating disaster

Captain of the Titanic when the Titanic sank.   T. Zeus=N. Neptune/Zeus; SR Neptune square Zeus. 


(1) Coal fire made ship go into iceberg faster

(2) submarine was firing at Titanic

This is the widest possible orb …born earlier in the day, orb  more exact

Neptune/Zeus showed up in more than one chart of the Titanic victims and survivors.  E.g, Edwina MacKenzie survivor N. Neptune=Zeus 64H; SR Neptune/Zeus=Aries

Jerry Falwell, Jr. fired from his job and sued because of  racy photo taken at a yacht party honoring a raunchy TV show Natal Moon=Saturn=Neptune=Zeus 


Robert Lewis Stevenson:
Dr Jekel and Mr. Hyde; he drink a potion that unleashes murderous inner demons

Melville wrote about killing a whale. N.Neptune=Cupido=Zeus
Event: when he wrote the book P. Neptune station=Neptune/Zeus
(also Neptune/Chiron)

Agatha Christie: 
During both World Wars, she served in hospital dispensaries, acquiring a thorough knowledge of the poisons as a weapon.  
When Neptune was conjunct her N. Zeus
she tried, and gave up ambitions
for  a music career (wasted energies)Lier

 In  a movie: N. Neptune=Zeus (64/approx 17') Starred in horror film Creature from the Black Lagoon (DOB 10/29/1928)


Neptune/Zeus=Vulcanus (wide orb: Neptune=Zeus=Vulcanus)
launched the Flyboard, the world’s first water-propelled hoverboard, which propelled its users up in the air using a strong stream of water.

Heat and water N.Vesta=Neptune/Zeus (22 1/2 w 22' orb) DOB 4/26/1943)
Peter Zumthor architect who won 2009 Pritzker Prize, the highest recognition for architects. He is best known for a thermal spa in an Alpine commune.



Oroville Dam
Transiting Neptune/Zeus=Aries
In Feb. 2012, transiting Neptune=Zeus (135), 2 events involving dams occurred.

Another dam incident occurred November 2015 with Saturn square Neptune and Uranus opposite Zeus

The sweat-lodge trial began.
A volcano spewing hot lava erupted.

Large Hadron Collider Finally Smashing Properly designed to capture every evanescent flash and fragment from microscopic fireballs thought to hold insights into the beginning of the universe.

Neptune was minutes away from Zeus. Not sure why Neptune is part of this


RPP: Sterility. 

Some evidence: Viscountess Northcliffe Neptune/Zeus=Aries  12/22/1867
(also Hades/Zeus)

N. Neptune=Zeus=Aries (by major aspect/less than 1 degree orb) Test tube baby


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