Saturday, August 5, 2023



The active principle of Mars: religious or political activity; association with others who are active in religion or politics.

 Involved with ideological/ethical organization and activity  

  Outspoken about views; stand up for religious or political opinions. 

          Religious conversion (also Uranus/Poseidon and Pluto/Poseidon)

 Martial effect: 

        Social, religious, political views or activities are oppositional or defensive.

        Disruption, aggression, war for the sake of belief 

        Assault by religious or political figure. 

 Several religious antagonists of historical significance had natal Mars/Poseidon aspects.

Before he was a leader in the Transcendentalist movement, Ralph Waldo Emerson was a minister who left the church after he became embroiled in controversy over his refusal to administer important rituals, writing the essay, “A young minister refuses to perform crucial duty”.   He outraged the Protestant community with a speech which “discounted biblical miracles and proclaimed that, while Jesus was a great man, he was not God: historical Christianity.”  He was denounced as a poisoner of young men's minds”.1  His SR contained Mars=Poseidon=Aries.  Natal Mars//Poseidon

John Brown, an evangelical minister, was the leading proponent of violence in the American abolitionist movement, saying “repeatedly he was following Christian ethics”.2  With N. Mercury=Mars/Poseidon 4’ orb, some important events highlight the Mercury component:

When he met a military tactician with whom he wrote a tactical handbook, Brown had Mars/Poseidon and Mercury coming to Aries and the Sun.  (His time of birth DD rated, so I did not emphasize the Asd. or MC,)   His Harper’s Ferry raid went wrong when a train passed through, resulting in casualties inflicted by Brown’s men, who “inexplicably” allowed the train to pass…into the next town where they notified officials.                                   

 Immanuel Kant was forbidden by law to speak in public on the topic of religion. 3  The date of the decree in 1794 is not chronicled but T. Poseidon was within one degree of a conjunction to his natal Mars that year. N. Mars//Poseidon

         Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’sunorthodox religious beliefs led him to be called ‘the great heathen’” resulting in opposition to the creation of a Goethe monument “on account of his offensive religious creed”. 4

His Mars/Poseidon aspect was part of a larger picture with Uranus and the Moon.  P. Poseidon stationed within 1’ of the  Mars/Poseidon midpoint for over 20 years, spanning the time when his university “dissertation which questioned the status of the Ten Commandments, proved too scandalous to be accepted” 5 and he wrote Faust. about a man’s deal to sell his soul to the devil.

Martin Luther was a convert who started a religion.  He was excommunicated as a heretic, with Mars/Poseidon SA Sun 2’ orb September 15, 1520 

Luther “Encouraged priests to marry when that was forbidden by the Church and advocated divorce according to biblical principles” 6.  This is symbolized by  MC/Venus/Saturn=Mars/Poseidon.  

 He was also a highly influential antisemite.  When his natal Mars/Poseidon was exact by progression, he published a book calling Jews “the devil’s people” and advocated setting synagogues on fire, forbidding rabbis to preach and expelling them “for all time”. 6  “We are at fault in not slaying them…God's anger with them is so intense." 6

Adolf Hiter studied Luther.  Hitler had a wide semi-octile of Mars/Poseidon, but even more descriptive was a tight midpoint picture of Hades=Mars/Poseidon, which the RPP delineates as “Morally base acts.  Lack of ethics”. 

 Mars/Poseidon was  one symbolic component marking acts of  his thuggery-driven by ideals, as was Hades.  Here’s an example: On September 14, 1921, Hitler disrupted a meeting where an opponent spoke.  He was beaten and shoved off the stage.  Hitler was arrested but pronounced the incident a success.  “It's all right. We got what we wanted. He’ didn’t speak" 7     Mars/Poseidon SA Sun and  T. Mars=N. Hades. The opponent (Mars/Saturn=Hades=Poseidon) was murdered when Hitler came to power. 

A pivotal moment in Hitler’s combative ascent was an attempted coup d'état known as the Beer Hall Putsch, when 20 Nazi’s and police officers died.  Mars and Poseidon were SA to each other and T. Mars was with Hades, triggering the Mars/Poseidon midpoint.  (November 8, 1923)

Another turning point “pivotal in the establishment of Nazi Germany” 7  was the politically stoked Reichstag fire.  Hitler blamed the Communists and now had a convenient excuse to exhort President Hindenburg to pass a decree suspending civil liberties and detention without trial, enabling Hitler to detain his opponent and win the election just weeks later.   Mars/Poseidon SA MC 

The founder of  the Jewish Self-Defense Organization, advocated arming Jews against the imminent danger he foresaw.  In 1935 he said: "Catastrophe is approaching. ...I see a terrible picture ... the volcano that will soon spew out its flames of extermination," 8  He was Ze’ev Jabotinsky, Sun and Hades =Mars/Poseidon (<34 no TOB); Sun//Mars//Poseidon).  Note both Hitler and Jabotinsky (and Osama Bin Laden) had Hades=Mars/Poseidon.

Another icon of Jewish self-defense was Avraham Stern (Stern Gang).  Born with natal Mercury=Mars/Poseidon (noon chart <34), his poem set to music, Unknown Soldiers, told of  “Jews who would not be drafted by other countries while they wandered in Exile from their own country, but rather who would enlist in a volunteer army of their own, go underground and die fighting in the streets only to be buried secretly at night”. 9 

 Over a quarter century before Hitler’s rise, France was polarized by the Dreyfuss Case,  springing from the unjust conviction of a Jewish army officer for  allegedly providing military secrets to the enemy.  Alfred Dreyfus had prominent Mars/Poseidon aspects, as did a number of his opponents, the unabashedly antisemitic anti-Dreyfusards.   When the real culprit was acquitted with false evidence, Emile Zola’s expose of the injustice, “J’accuse”, ignited "tumultuous demonstrations nearly every day" 10 by anti-Dreyfusards.    


Alfred Dreyfus had N. Mars/Poseidon=Aries precisely  as well as a tight semi octile of Mars and Poseidon, part of a larger picture which included Kronos and Vulcanus (below left), spelling out the highest levels of government involvement.   The release of .J’accuse and the ensuing riots were marked in Dreyfus’ chart by Mars/Poseidon SA MC and Sun SA Mars/Poseidon precisely.   

One outspoken AntiDryfusard was the artist Edgar Degas, a “ferocious anti-Semite”. 11   

Degas was a follower of La Libre Parole, published by the head of the Antisemitic League of France. Both the League and the publication commenced when T. Poseidon was square to the leader/publisher’s N. Mars.  He had same natal picture as Dreyfus: Mars=Kronos=Vulcanus=Poseidon.   (Edouard Drumont)

 Over 140 years later in France, Brigit Bardot has been convicted and fined 6 times for promoting racial hatred.  In letters she wrote responding to the Muslim practice of slaughtering sheep, she’s accused of “making racial insults in her writings about animal abuse”, using terms like “degenerate savages”. 12

 My personal opinion is that she’s probably a bigot, but her activity on behalf of animal right is “moral behavior” indeed.  When the natal aspect became exact by progression, she joined her animal rights foundation with an Indian foundation, holding annual meetings in a Buddhist pilgrimage spot.  The first meeting she attended was marked by 2 SA pictures: Mars/Poseidon SA Asc. and SA Sun  (Chart right).  She’s not a Buddhist but she continues to attend.  

 There are other aspects for harm in some religious context.  Pastor Clementa Pinckney was assassinated in a bible study class in church.  Although his natal Mars/Poseidon=Aries <30’ orb, he also had a tight Chiron/Poseidon aspect, which also appears regularly in similar, even identical, events. 

 His shooter had the north node of Chiron conjunct natal Poseidon.  T.  Poseidon was within minutes of his natal Chiron.  The event occurred with T. Mars=T. Poseidon.  (Dylan Roof)

 The  list of violent. politically motivated ideologues with Mars/Poseidon is long and varied.  Some of them are: 

David Koresh (Mars//Poseidon), Timothy McVeigh (Sun=Mars/Poseidon), Ted Kaczynski (MC=Mars/Poseidon),  Jim Jones (Mars=Saturn=Poseidon close to the AP), Gordon Liddy (Mars/Poseidon=Aries), Ayman al-Zawahiri  (Mars/Poseidon=Aries), Osama Bin Laden (Sun=Hades=Mars/Poseidon <38’ orb).

 Spanning the politically charged 60’s and 70’s were ultra-radicals Cathy Boudin, a founder of the Weather Underground who served 23 years in prison for killing 2 policemen in a robbery and Bill Ayers of the SDS and Weather Underground. who went on to bomb the Capital Building and the Pentagon.  (Boudin had Mars/Poseidon=Aries <17’ orb and Ayers had Mars/Poseidon=Aries 3’ orb) 

A leader in the 60's German Red Army Faction, Andreas Badder had a semi-octile of Mars=Poseidon, part of a larger picture MC=Mars=Saturn=Node=Cupido=Poseidon (and Juno). (Below left)  

He was radicalized by a riot which began as a noise complaint over late night music.  When the musicians were arrested, scuffles broke out, leading to four days of street battles between 40,000 young protesters and police on horses.  T. Poseidon was stationary, forming an antiscia to his natal Mars 10’ orb. 

When he  and his girlfriend protested the Viet Nam war by bombing a department store, his SR had an exact conjunction of  Mars and Poseidon On the day of the bombing, T. Mars was with Poseidon and explosive Uranus, all contacting his natal Uranus.  Note the Juno ingredient; his girlfriend participated and a department store was the target)

Dealing with belief driven conflict is part some peoples’ jobs.  Once Mayor of Bordeaux,  philosopher/essayist Michel de Montagne successfully moderated the hostilities between the local Catholics and Protestants.  Earlier in his career, he accompanied the king to a siege during the War of Religion.  When the siege began, P. Mars=N. Poseidon 3’ from exact.  When he arrived, Mars/Poseidon SA MC precisely.

 A victim of weapons and ideology who didn’t believe in either was Robert Oppenheimer, one of the casualties of the 1950’s Red Scare.  Due to his perceived association with Communists, the chief architect of the atomic bomb was denied his security clearance.  The revocation occurred with P. Mars was exactly square to his N. Poseidon.  No natal aspect.  P. Poseidon was exact with his Sun; after his clearance was revoked, he withdrew from professional life and spent his time sailing in the Caribbean with his family.                


James Baxter flagellated himself for the purpose of religious penance.  Also an activist for Māori culture and a religious convert.  (Mars//Poseidon)

 Henry III religious self-flagellation; murdered by a monk.  (N Mars qx Poseidon. 

Event: murder by a monk: : Mars/Poseidon SA Sun)


T.S. Eliot wrote Murder the in the Cathedral and was a religious convert. (Mars//Poseidon)

Louis Celine wrote A Fine Mess denouncing Jews, Freemasons and the Catholic Church.


 1 Ralph Waldo Emerson - Wikipedia










11  21 Facts About Edgar Degas | Impressionist & Modern Art | Sotheby’s (




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