Sunday, February 26, 2023

Jupiter/Uranus and Luck

I usually think of Jupiter/Uranus as luck from a material standpoint.  

You have a transit, you come into some extra work or money.  Simple.  Some people even win the lottery, altho ordinarily that's not just a transit.

But there are instances of people who experience Jupiter/Uranus as extraordinary luck that has nothing to do with work or money.

In today's obits was the survivor of a WWII massacre in France that killed most of his town.

“The bullets had passed through the others,” he said, “and by the time they reached me, they no longer had the power to go in deep"

He had natal Sun=Jupiter/Uranus <35' orb (no tob)  
June 29, 1925 

An interesting manifestation of how Jupiter/Uranus luck operates having nothing to do with material gain is Aron Ralston, the lone mountaineer whose arm was pinned by a boulder and in order to free himself and survive, he amputated the arm with a dull pen knife.  He had natal AND SR Chiron=Jupiter/Uranus, an awful circumstance in which one prevails.  

My partner has Chiron=Jupiter/Uranus.  He's had 3 instances of coming back from death's door as a result of health crises, as well as surviving numerous accidents.   

The thing about Chiron=Jupiter/Uranus (but not Sun=Jupiter/Uranus) is it appears you've got to have the bad experience first, in order to experience the luck of surviving it. 

Regarding the French survivor's material luck, he had a job in a garage during the war and afterwards he owned a car dealership.  Nice, but eclipsed by being one of the few survivors of a massacre.

Recently, we've watched Leonard Bernstein's career and how it was launched by a single lucky lightening strike--the conductor got sick, Bernstein filled in, and his career took off from that night forward.  T. Jupiter was opposite N. Uranus.

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