Saturday, August 13, 2016

Saturn in Sag square Neptune August 13

At the Olympics, the water in two of the competition pools has grown progressively greener and murkier all week, even as officials have been unable to provide a plausible explanation for the problem, let alone solve it.
Things had gotten so bad on Friday that athletes were complaining of eye irritation, morning diving practice was canceled in one of the pools and officials said that the second pool, which is used for water polo and synchronized swimming, would probably have to be drained completely and refilled with water from a nearby practice pool.
'Last doctors of Aleppo' write heartbreaking letter to Obama:             "We are 15 of the last doctors serving the remaining 300,000 citizens of eastern Aleppo," a group of doctors claiming to be among the last in the city wrote in a letter to US president Barack Obama on Thursday.  "In the last month there have been 42 attacks on hospitals.  We do not need tears or sympathy or even prayers," the letter read. "We need action."

I have not yet studied Jupiter/Chiron in depth, but it does seem as if these last 15 doctors asking for US help could said to be a manifestation of Jupiter/Chiron, which is forming an aspect to Zeus.

Another event which appears to reflect the Jupiter/Chiron/Zeus symbolism is the attack on tourist spots in Thailand.

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