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Juno/Chiron: relationships and appearance
Faith McInerney
When Juno/Chiron marks a relationship event, by transit, progression or SA, often means something's not right. Even Venus/Juno often marks the beginning or the end of a dysfunctional relationship.
In this one instance, a future health condition turned out to be what's "not right".
When Paul McCartney met Linda, t. Chiron=N. Juno, along with T. Neptune. that's what made it more a problematic health thing. (see Neptune/Chiron)
All the following illustrate a different side of something being not right
• L.
Ron Hubbard’s wife took the rap to avoid
his arrest.
He left and they
never again
saw each other.
Juno//Chiron exact.
• Henry
beheaded Ann Boleyn
T. Chiron square his N. Juno
Their daughter (later Queen Elizabeth I) had natal Juno square Chiron,
triggered by transiting Jupiter!
• Van
Gogh’s marriage proposal was rejected. “No,
nay, never”.
Chiron station conjunct natal Juno.
• Mae
West’s (secret) marriage certificate stumbled
When Mae West had P. Chiron=N. Juno by a minor aspect in 1935, a filing clerk stumbled
on a marriage certificate, alerted the press, who in turn revealed to the public for the first time
that the cinematic and real-life temptress was even married.
When her divorce was finalized on May 7, 1943, T. Chiron was stationary trine her natal Juno.
• Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles and Princess Diana have (had) emphasized natal Juno/Chiron
. . When Camilla met her husband, Andrew Parker Bowles, P. Chiron 5' from N. Juno.
In contrast to the myth, it was she who strayed.
. When Princess Diana died, Camilla's P. Juno was 6' from N. Juno/Chiron
and 2' from N. Venus.
. When T. Chiron was stationary conjunct Camilla's N. Juno, in the summer of 2003, she
began to live with Charles and his sons. According to the myth, Juno (Hera) was also
jealous of the offspring he had with others. In Camilla's case, there was a twist;
it was said that Charles' sons (understandably) felt less than warmly towards her.
. When Diana connected
with/married Charles. Her P. Juno//N.
- President Warren Harding, who had two extramarital relationships while he was in the White House. When he married the very jealous Mrs. Harding, P. Chiron was conjunct P. Juno precisely.
Perpetrators of sexual crimes/assaults (natal aspect)
Bill Clinton (Sun+SA=Juno/Chiron when he admitted affair)
Donald Trump
Harvey Weinstein
Charlie Rose
Louis CK
Casey Affleck
Les Moonves
Robert Kraft involved in prostitution (Juno/Chiron=Aries)
Other pictures for sex crimes: Juno/Hades; Venus/Zeus
Roman Polanski rape case 3/10/1977
T. Chiron opposite N. Juno
Andrea Allorca pedophile who raped and killed Delle Cave boy, age nine, on 11/08/1997. Natal Juno/Chiron=Aries His victim: Juno/Chiron=Sun 30'
Samuel Little 6/10/1940
Murdered dozens of women
Some victims:
Stormy Daniels (and Melania Trump!) had T. Chiron conjunct Juno when news emerged; no natal
Hillary Clinton
Jaycee Duggard
Sara Tirschwell (August 12, 1965) Natal Venus=Juno=Chiron=Cupido
Corinne Flynn victim Juno//Chiron DOB 2/28/1958 6:32AM Winthrop Mass
Gerald Craffy T. Chiron conjunct N. Juno when he raped and stabbed Corinne Flynn (no natal aspect) DOB 10/24/1966 10:30PM Boston, Mass
There were other pictures!
Senator Martha McSally was raped by a male superior officer
N. Juno/Chiron=Aries
Jeffrey Dahmer N. Juno//Chiron (also N. Juno/Hades + transit)
Victor Antoine Ardisson "Vampire of Muy", was a French graverobber and necrophile.
5 September 1872 no TOB Juno semi octile Chiron (close)
+ Saturn square Chiron; wide square Juno=Hades (2 degrees orb)
Sergeant François Bertrand 10/29/1823 known as the Vampire of MontparnasseJuno opposite Chiron
John Halliday Christie DOB 4/8/1899 one of several rape/murders T. Juno square N. Chiron
N. picture of Mars/Chiron with T. Saturn=T. Chiron triggering picture
"The Vampire of Niterói", Brazilian serial killer convicted of raping and killing 14 boys. Marcelo Costa de Andrade DOB on January 2, 1967 in Rio Brazil, Juno//Chiron Also Pluto=Chiron=Venus=Vulcanus=Zeus
Ondrej Rigo born 17 December 1955 Juno//Chiron
Richard (May 23, 1950) Vampire of Sacramento Juno=Chiron tight square
There are almost always other aspects at the time of the events that flesh out the nature of the event.
Other pictures for sex crimes: Juno/Hades; Venus/Zeus;
Venus/Hades is one picture for prostitution
Her husband repelled by sex with her: Anne of Austria (Natal Juno=Chiron) married to Louis XIII
Her aspect is almost exact; his is about a degree orb (they were born 4 days apart)
Jerry Fallwell Jr. fired from church job as a result of photo (pants unzipped) with a woman who wasn't his wife. LR Juno=Chiron=Poseidon
ELIZABETH I Natal Juno=Chiron=Pluto=Node Here's what happened when transits triggered the picture:
• T. Jupiter Mother beheaded by father (who had T. Chiron □ N. Juno)
• T. Saturn and Juno Sister married (Oct. 9, 1514; widowed 3 months later).
• T. Pluto Suitor Robert Dudley involved in beheading Cousin Mary (Mary Queen of Scots/Robert Dudley)
• T. Chiron She rejected marriage with her final suitor, Duke of Anjou
She paid him to leave. Anjou was considered deformed
But she said he was “not so deformed”
• T. Pluto Duke of Anjou died
• T. Pluto and T. Chiron Dudley financed a foreign war in which she was duplicitous; put him
into debt for the rest of his life
. T. Neptune Dudley died; he was closest to the love of her life
. . .
King Edward IV of England bore no physical resemblance to his father, Richard of York, who died before he himself could become King. His mother's alleged adultery raised a dispute as to his biological parentage. Edward's mother disapproved of Edward's own marriage, threatening to disown him and declare his children illegitimate, which indeed resulted in an inquiry which found Edward's marriage was indeed invalid, and none of his children succeeded him to the throne. (N. Juno=Chiron Ssq. 42' orb. When they married T. Chiron square N. Juno - triggered N. Juno/Chiron aspect)
DOB 4/28/1442 2:45AM Rouen, Fr.)
. . .
The Mayerling Incident, which became a movie, was the double suicide of Belgian prince of Belgium and his mistress; His wife had Juno//Chiron (Princess Charlotte also N. Sun=Saturn/Juno 50' orb
His mother had always "disdained her believing her to be an inadequate match". Prince infected her with gonorrhea, both had affairs. She remarried to someone of unequal rank; her father so furious, he forbade her from seeing her dying mother.
. . .
Mary Queen of Scots met Darnley T. Juno=N. Chiron about 30' orb. (22 1/2) Feb 17, 1565 Married him T. Juno square T. Chiron/T. Juno near her natal Saturn (T. Chiron about a degree away) July 29. 1565 His constant demands to be crowned king of Scotland in his own right alienated both his wife and the Scottish nobles. His father, Matthew Stewart, 4th Earl of Lennox, was found guilty of treason in Scotland for siding with the English in the War of the Rough Wooing, in opposing Mary of Guise and Regent Arran. The family's Scottish estates were forfeited[6]
and his father went into exile in England for 22 years, returning to
Scotland in 1564. The Countess of Lennox Margaret Douglas, his mother,
had left Scotland in 1528
Juan Peron married Eva Peron T. Juno conjunct T. Chiron triggering his natal Juno/Chiron square
(also aspect her N. Saturn) She represented outsiders
Other meetings/marriages
Imelda met Ferdinand April 6, 1954
T. Juno triggered natal Juno/Chiron square
Lisa Marie married Michael Jackson P. Juno/Chiron
Charles V
Wife died with T. Chiron = N. Juno
P. Juno=Neptune 64H exact
Appearance: Hapsburg Jaw
Natal Sun=Juno=Chiron
Etc: Katherine MacGregor married 2x, one year each N. Juno=Chiron 1/12/1925
Rebecca West several lovers, one produced a child. N. Juno conjunct Chiron
John Jacob Aster IV natal Juno/Chiron
Removed from Social Register due to marriage problems
November 27, 1954 T. Chiron=Natal picture
John Edwards' wife diagnosed T. Juno=Moon and Chiron (=Saturn and Neptune in the following days)
Rare manifestations of Juno/Chiron in relationships:
3 instances of people losing children on transits or progressions (Lisa Marie Presley on a progression, Anne of Austria transit; Charles V transit lost wife and son) They all had natal aspect
Recently Roman Polanski was again accused of rape. He has no natal Juno/Chiron
On the day of his accusation Juno was square to Chiron
In the arts: the first time I "got" some level of understanding of Juno/Chiron was with the chart of composer Aaron Copland. When P. Chiron was square natal Juno he composed the music for "Rodeo", which featured a lonely cowgirl who'd been rejected by the cowboy she loved who was himself in love with a girlier girl.
This is important:
Juno also symbolizes the appearance of a living or non living entity--from home decorating to personal appearance. This is a quote from Eleanor Bach or Demetra George: "Governs beauty and adornment...extends into the home" That goes for men as well as women.
Juno also appears to represent designed products with a purpose which have no great aesthetics, like a door. This is a different concept from how most people see Juno, but watch your own transits and progressions.
Together, Juno/Chiron is seen with:
- physical
appearance that makes individual feel separate from others; clothing which sets one apart
- health
may affect the physical appearance; designed
items associated with injury
- repair
or upgrading the appearance of a person or entity; preserving or recycling decorative items E.G., Architect used things like ashtrays and salvaged convent windows in unusual ways DOB 1/28/1924. Gaudi used broken plates and bottles for great architecture.
people with emphasized natal Juno/Chiron
pictures are individualistic by choice or they have a physical trait which sets
them apart from others. Although they
may feel like outsiders, the trait may contribute to positive self esteem, even
Jim Jarmusch's hair began to turn grey when he was 15, a genetic trait. His completely white hair is became a
trademark and determined his perspective as an outsider. "The key, I think, to Jim, is that he
went gray when he was 15 ... As a result, he always felt like an immigrant in
the teenage world...a benign, fascinated foreigner – ever since. And all his
films are about that." ' (Juno/Chiron=Aries 8' orb 1/22/1953 7:15PM
Akron, OH)
Other 'silver foxes' with Juno/Chiron: Charlie Watts; Barbara Bush
Nixon was believed to have lost the 1960
presidential election because he appeared less attractive than his opponent
John F. Kennedy on the televised debates.
People who listened to the debate on the radio determined Nixon the winner, but his "5 o'clock
shadow" and profuse perspiration prompted his mother to call afterwards to
ask if he was ill. And indeed, he had
been " pale and underweight from a recent
hospitalization, appeared sickly and sweaty" On the night of the debate, September 26,
1960, Nixon's P. Chiron was just 1' from an exact conjunction with his N. Sun. (N. Juno/Chiron=Aries 8' orb 1/9/1913 9:35PM
Whittier, Ca.)
appearance of British Poet Laureate Alfred Lord Tennyson prompted Queen
Victoria to note in her journal that he was "very peculiar looking (and)
oddly dressed." (*) (N. Juno=Chiron ssq. 44' orb 8/6/1609 12:05AM
Horncastle , UK) . Another renowned poet, Algernon Swinburne, was
mocked for "peculiarities of physique including an overlarge head"
(6) His artistic references to sadism
and masochism were said to have been rooted in these experiences, the sexual
nature of which were also indicated by N. South Node and Saturn in
Scorpio. (N. Juno=Chiron sqq 20' orb 4/5/1837
5AM London, UK). Still another
literary icon, Anais Nin lost her hair when she became ill at age 2, she was taunted by her father as an “ugly duckling". At the time, P. Juno=N. Juno and P.
Chiron (N. Juno=Chiron=Kronos 5' orb DOB
2/21/1903 8:25PM Paris, France).
Joplin personified 1960's individuality, and at the same time, she was scarred
by her imperfections. Developing severe
teenage acne, "She
remade herself into a beatnik girl—the only one in all of Port Arthur; Janis
was bent on becoming an eyesore" (*)
and suffered the consequences in 1962
when she was nominated "ugliest man on campus", which led to
her dropping out of college about a month later. (*). Her
natal chart contained Sun=Juno/Chiron and both her natal and 1962 SR contained
Saturn/Juno pictures. she also had
Aquarius rising and an angular conjunction of Saturn with Uranus. (Natal Sun=Juno/Chiron 48' orb; Asd=Saturn/Juno
16' orb; Asd=Juno/Hades 16' orb; 1962 SR Saturn
octile Chiron 6' orb; DOB 1/19/1943
9"45AM Port Arthur, Texas). Joplin she also had Aquarius rising and an
angular conjunction of Saturn with Uranus.
all of us who are imperfect, it's inspiring to learn of the experiences of
accomplished people who overcome criticism on account of some physical characteristic
and go on to make significant contributions.
Donald Trump exhibits good humor
about his comb over (N. Juno conjunct
Chiron 6' orb 6/14/1946 9:51AM Queens, NY) and political and military leader Oliver
Cromwell ordered his portraitist to
"paint my picture truly like me, and not flatter me at all; but remark all
these roughnesses, pimples, warts and everything as you see me, otherwise I
will never pay a farthing for it". (7) (Sun=Juno/Chiron
4' orb 5/5/1599 3AM Huntington, UK)
POSITIVE DISTINCTIONS TOO? JFK, Jr. became "Sexiest Man Alive" T. Chiron opposite N. Juno (and Jupiter) Set apart by good looks? Teased about it??
sometimes symbolizes health issues or illness
that affect physical appearance. Toulouse
Lautrec had an adult sized torso and
child sized legs, attributed to inbreeding.
Like Chiron, Lautrec was abandoned by his parents and alienated from
others (Juno=Chiron octile 4' orb, 11/24/ 1864 6AM Albi, France). Allen Ginsberg's stroke altered his face
(Sun=Juno/Chiron 35' orb, 6/3/1926 2AM Newark, NJ).
their appearance sometimes alienates them from others, some born with a Juno/Chiron placement
exhibit self acceptance, a sense of humor or pride. Rocky Dennis, on whom the film
"Mask" was based, born with craniodiaphyseal
dysplasia,a disfiguring disease which also shortened his life, but according to
the movie, didn't dampen his spirits. (N. Sun=Saturn=Admetos=Juno/Chiron within
33' orb DOB 12/4/1961 10:03AM Downey, Ca.). The same was said of Joseph "John" Merrick
whose biography was entitled The
Elephant Man : A Study in Human Dignity (8)
(N. Mars and Vulcanus=Juno/Chiron no greater than 10' orb, 8/5/1862 no TOB
Leicester, England) A forceps accident
severed a nerve in Sly Stallone's face, paralyzing parts of his lip, tongue and
chin, leaving him with his signature snarling look, regarded by millions of movie-goers as
attractive. (Juno conjunct Chiron 1
degree 21' orb July 6, 1946 7:20PM New York, NY).
the clinical word for hair loss or baldness, is a common condition, which
occurs to some people with N. Juno/Chiron symbolism. Left to right: Princess Caroline
(Juno//Chiron, 1/23/1957 9:27AM Monto Carlo), Patrick Stewart
(Juno=Chiron=Aries 34' orb, 7/13/1940 12PM and Naomi Campbell (Juno conjunct
Chiron 9' orb, 5/22/1970)1AMWestminster, England 5/22/1970)1AMWestminster,
Disease, also which effects the appearance of the eyes is sometimes represented
by Juno/Chiron. Some notables are Barbara Bush (Juno=Chiron sqq 42' 6/8/1925
7PM Rye. NY), Marty Feldman (Node of Chiron conjunct Juno 7/8/1933 No TOB) and
Christina Rossetti (Saturn//Juno//Chiron 12/5/1830 3:10AM London)
Mike Love (Sun=J/C 7' orb 3/15/1941 10:55AM Los Angeles, Ca.) has partnered
with Operation Smile to raise funds for those in need of cleft lip and palate
repair surgery. In that SR Juno was square to Chiron 12' orb. Actor Stacy Keach was himself born with the
condition (Aries=Juno/Chiron 11' orb, 6/2/1941 7:15PM Savannah, Ga.)
Charlie Watts, born on the same day with the same picture, has no observable
physical flaws, except he has let himself age without the use of cosmetic enhancement...and has actually appeared on numerous best-dressed
Penn (Juno square Chiron 8' orb 10/22/1644 7AM London) caught smallpox as a
child, losing all his hair, prompting his parents to move to a new location
where his appearance attracted even more attention. Other smallpox victim (such as Queen Mary II
and King Louis XV) had N. Saturn/Juno pictures.
very handsome William Duke of Gloucester (Sun=Hades=Juno/Chiron 5' orb
12/18/1941 5:15PM Barnet, UK) noticed a strange rash while serving in the
British Navy, the result of the heredity illness porphyria.
P. Juno/Chiron symbolism marked the timing of
Montgomery Clift's disfiguring car accident on May 12, 1945. His injuries changed his face and altered his
life. At the scene of the accident, Liz
Taylor pulled the teeth stuck in his throat, saving his life. Born with N. Venus=Juno/Chiron, on the day of
the accident, T. Sun and Uranus made a contact to the natal configuration. His SR
contained Chiron=Saturn/Juno (6'). P.
Juno=P. Chiron using the 64H aspect. Primarily, I've attempted to use major aspects
for this article, but the progressed harmonic aspects progressions at the time
of his accident are compelling evidence for their usefulness.
the accident, Clift endured many cosmetic procedures. Several planetary combinations appear with
cosmetic procedures and there is some anecdotal evidence that that Juno/Chiron is
one of them. Born with the conjunction, Cher calls herself
"the plastic surgery poster girl".
(9) (N. 5/20/1946 7:25AM El Centro, Ca.) (9) Successful plastic surgery helped the thief
known for the Great Train Robbery escape law officials for 30 years. (Ronnie
Biggs, N. Juno opposite Chiron exactly 8/8/1929, UK no TOB) Jenny Jones was born with the conjunction (no
greater than 17' orb) and Juno stationary direct. Six silicone implant operations left her with
asymmetrical breasts. She went on to
establish The Image Foundation, a resource for people with body image
problems. (DOB 6/7/1946 no TOB) .) Debby Boone became the spokesperson for a
cosmetic surgery company Boone (Juno/Chiron=Aries 3' orb 9/22/1956 2:37PM Hackensack, NJ).
Rogers had breast reduction surgery.
"Before I had the surgery, men were talking to my chest the entire
time, but I couldn't blame them. When I
walked into a room, my breasts were always several steps ahead of me." (Juno//Chiron 1/27/1956 no TOB).
celebrities with distinctive physical features
were born in January of 1956 with the same declination of Juno and
Chiron. Breasts, height and teeth were
some of the things that set Mimi Rogers, Geena Davis and Johnny Rotten apart
from others.
Mae West was born with a natal Juno//Chiron
contact as well as a minor aspect of Juno=Chiron=Aries. Her chosen persona, a buxom blond with an
hourglass figure, flew in the face of
her own natural short, anatomy, and
required 9" platform shoes and manipulation by boned corsets, a
"support system that pulled, pushed and elevated it to mythic
status", setting maverick whose persona of the buxom blonde with the
hourglass figure set her apart from the apart from slender ideal of the Hollywood
on Broadway in an unsuccessful show, she was singled out by the New York Times
"a girl named Mae West, hitherto unknown pleased (people) by her
was himself grotesque and "grotesquerie" appears to be another way
Juno/Chiron can manifest. The Mirriam-
Webster Dictionary uses Joseph Merrick (Mars and Vulcanus=Juno/Chiron) to illustrate the definition. ¨The so-called Elephant Man was for a time
exhibited as a sideshow grotesquerie" The fine art expert critic John Ruskin (Juno//Chiron) wrote
extensively on architectural grotesques of which he was particularly fond.
the start, Mae West was influenced by female impersonators. From them,
she learned her signature walk.
One of her earliest plays was entitled "Drag". When Chiron was opposite her Juno in
1916, she herself played a male
impersonator in "a top hat and dinner jacket. Her obituary called her "greatest female
impersonator of all time."' (NYT November 23, 1980). Racquel Welch also "had her
suspicions" that West was indeed a female impersonator.
Juno/Chiron pictures are in the charts of
some, but not all cross-dressers. In the
case of cross-dressers, it may be inferred that many feel like outsiders. When police arrested Robert Downey Jr. on
drug charges, they found him dressed as
Wonder Woman. (N.Juno ssq Chiron 5' orb). On the day of his arrest, 11/22/2000, a
transiting Saturn=Hades=Chiron, all forming an aspect to his close natal
Juno/Chiron configuration. (N.Juno ssq
Chiron 5' orb DOB 4/4/1965 1:10pm New
York, NY).
ChiChi Devayne 9/24/1985 North node Chiron conjunct Juno
Cross dresser with scleroderma
Bernard Boursicot was the French diplomat seduced by a
male Chinese opera singer who performed female roles. (Sun=Juno/Chiron 16' orb; the complete natal
picture was Sun=Node=Uranus=Zeus=Kronos=Juno/Chiron, with the MC just 35'
away). The pair became involved in
espionage and subsequently brought to trial.
Their story was the subject of "M. Butterfly". When 20 year old Bouriscot met the singer,
his SR contained Juno=Venus/Mars by major aspect, the identical picture he had
in natal chart by minor aspect. On June
30, 1982, Bouriscot learned the truth about his partner and attempted
suicide. T. Saturn was stationary Rx on
the natal configuration that contained Juno/Chiron. (DOB
8/12/1944 8PM Vanne, France.)
musician Billy Tipton was born a woman and lived most of his life dressing as a
man. He managed to 'pass' with a
fabricated story about an injury that damaged his genitals and broken his ribs
so that they had to be bound. (Juno//Chiron 12/29/1914 2AM Oklahoma City,
OK.) Marlene Dietrich, born with N.
Mars=Juno/Chiron, made wearing trousers fashionable.
Chiron concepts of damage and injury apply to objects as well as people. When it comes to clothing, torn or dirty
clothes are sometimes described by Juno/Chiron; both Marlon Brando, identified
in his early career with the "torn tee-shirt" school of acting and
Curt Cobain originator of the
"grunge look", which, years after his death, is still having an
impact on fashion, had Juno/Chiron pictures.
(Brando Sun=Juno/Chiron 10' orb/also Sun=Jun-=Chiron 64H/`14' orb
4/3/1924 11PM Omaha, Nebraska; Kobain Asd=Juno/Chiron 16' orb 2/20/57 7:20PM
Aberdeen, Wa.; ) Eva Peron received her
support from working class Argentines referred to as descamisados, which
translates as "the shirtless ones".
(N. Juno trine Chiron 2 degrees 28' orb DOB 5/7/1919 5:14PM Buenos
Aires, Argentina)
When the evidence of a stained dress left him no choice, Bill Clinton was
forced to confess to his affair with Monica Lewinsky. His P. Sun=Juno/Chiron exactly. (N. Juno/Chiron=Aries 8' orb 8/19/1946 4:41AM
Hope, Ak.)
Wife murderer Robert Durst
N. Saturn=Juno
T. Venus=T. Chiron triggering N. Saturn and Juno
represents damage not only to the physical body, but any damaged entity. The restoration, reconstruction or repair of
damaged buildings, clothes or bodies often corresponds with Juno/Chiron
symbolism. Indeed, there is some overlap between Juno and
Chiron, Juno/Chiron--one of the keywords for Juno being "iuvenescendo",
and physical locations in particular are
associated with Vesta and their restoration or conservation
may include variations of aspects and midpoint pictures containing Juno,
Vesta and Chiron. There's an overlap
between Chiron and Hades to describe something damaged, so midpoint pictures
such as Vesta/Hades or Juno=Vesta/Hades are both found when a building or
location, even an apartment, is in
disrepair or being restored.
Kennedy Onassis had Juno opposite Chiron (44' orb) as well as Asd. and
Moon=Vesta/Chiron. As First Lady of the
U.S., she built "built her historic preservation legacy" through her
restoration of the White House.
"It would be sacrilege merely to redecorate it... It must be
restored" .
Ruskin (Juno//Chiron) was a writer who was influential in a wide range of
disciplines (more about Ruskin in the section about Art) and his legacy included the restoration and
preservation movements. When P.
Vulcanus=Juno/Chiron (1' orb) in 1895, the world's first National Trust
"protecting historic places and green spaces" * was founded by
Octavia Hill, for whom Ruskin had been a mentor, employer and benefactor.
Napoleon III renovation of Paris: N. Juno=Chiron=Pallas=Kronos (all conjunct)
Because the family is also described in the natal chart, some people with natal
Juno/Chiron pictures come from families that restore clothing or textiles. There is evidence that even cleaning and
pressing dirty clothes is connected with Juno/Chiron. Both Coco Chanel and her mother were
laundrywoman, Chanel working the charity hospital in which she lived when her
mother abandoned her. (Chanel Moon=Chiron/Juno 10' orb 8/19/1883 4PM Saumer,
Joan Crawford and her mother did laundry.
When Crawford's P. Juno and Chiron were exact, she got a job doing
laundry to help pay for her private schooling.
This is the shop where Joan worked with her mother. (N.
Juno=Chiron=Aries 35' orb 3/23/1903 10PM San Antonio, Texas)
Cary Grant's father worked as a presser.
Grant was raised in a household so obsessively clean that as a young
child he was fined each time he spilled on the tablecloth. "That wasn't so bad. We only put the tablecloth on the table on
Sundays." (Saturn=Ceres=Zeus=Juno/Chiron
13'' orb 1/18/1904 1AM Bristol, UK)
Richard Devos founder of Amway Juno//Chiron
Barry Minkoff ZZZZ carpet cleaning Juno//Chiron
Jim Beck died of fumes from guitar cleaner Juno/Chiron-Aries
Died of cleaning fluid in her carpet; P. Juno=P. Chiron 2' orb major aspect
Margo Jones 12.12.1911 11:55 pm Livingston Texa
The category of restoration seems closest to how murderer Edward Gein's
activities, on which Alfred Hitchcock's "Psycho", reflected Juno/Chiron
symbolism. Gein exhumed corpses from
local graveyards and crafted objects with their bones and skin. He later turned to murder because the fresher
skin was better to work with. The police
found bowls, chair covers, a belt made from female nipples, and a pair of lips
on a drawstring for a window shade. (N. Juno=Chiron=Pluto 7' orb with Vesta one
degree away. 8/27/1906 11:30 PM N. LaCrosse, Wi. One day later, English Gothic architecture
preservationist, John Betjemen was born.)
In addition, I've noticed Juno's connection with products or activities not
ordinarily identified as decorative, but rather designed for utility rather than just appearance.
Herbert Hoover illustrated this level of Juno/Chiron. Trained as an engineer, early in his career
he was Commerce Secretary. Hoover had N. Juno//Chiron and when the two
points were exact, he began a campaign to standardize everyday products. Before then, "every combination of nuts
and bolts had different thread sizes.
Standard sizes were adopted for paper, auto tires, nuts and bolts,
plumbing, window frames, and many more items" (*) which would reduce
manufacturing costs, boost productivity and create jobs. Although it was the usefulness, not the
appearance of objects, that was important, when Hoover's P. Juno and Chiron
were exact, all these objects were redesigned. (8/11/1874 12:05AM West Branch, Ia.)calculate
and Healing
Saint Catherine medal has special meaning for those who are healers or people
who are ill. Saint Catherine had N. Juno
ssq Chiron (=Pluto=Admetos=Vulcanus 1 degree orb).
aspect of Juno with functional design connected with the healing attribute of
Chiron is even seen with the invention and design of Bandaids! The creator of the Bandaid had natal
Vulcanus=Juno/Chiron. Motivated by his
wife, who incurred cuts and burns in the kitchen, his 1919 SR contained
Venus=Juno/Chiron. (DOB 10/10/1892).
injured tennis player Venus Williams had. P. Chiron=Juno, she displayed her
bandage while still playing. (DOB
6/17/1980 2:12PM Lynwood, CA; event occurred between end of 2010--early 2011).
Tycho Brahe's nose cut off and replaced with prosthetic T. Chiron conjunct N. Juno (no natal picture)
Tammy Duckworth legs were shot off and replaced with prosthetics N. Juno/Chiron triggered by T. Neptune when it happened
Alas, the birth data for the inventors of prosthetic limbs is unavailable
Gustav Jager advocated the wearing of rough fabrics, such as wool, "close to the skin",
Preface: Somewhere
in the horoscopes of artists and writers is astrological symbolism which
corresponds not only with personal characteristics and events, but also with
some or all of the titles and/or content of their work.
Hans Christian Andersen "...a tall,
ugly boy with a big nose and big feet... cruelly teased and mocked by other
children" wrote "The Ugly Duckling", "commonly thought to
be a thinly disguised autobiography, which made the point " sometimes the
qualities that make you feel lonely, different, and out of place are the very
qualities that, when properly used, can make you shine". He wrote the story between the summer of 1842
and 1843. His SR contained Juno=Chiron
(11' orb) =Neptune=Admetos (22' orb). (N.
Mercury=Saturn=Neptune=Chiron/Juno 13' orb 4/2/1805 1AM Odense, Denmark)
Mary Shelley, attractive herself, is remembered for Frankenstein, whose
name is synonymous with ugliness. (Sun=Vulcanus=Juno/Chiron 23' orb 11/30/1797
11:20PM London, UK)
term "jolie laide" was popularized by author Nancy Mitford, meaning
pretty but at the same time, ugly; like a person with imperfect physical
features who is still regarded as beautiful.
Mitford considered herself to be "jolie laide". (Juno=Chiron semi octile 6' orb 11/28/1904 6PM
London, England)
novelist Michel Houellebecq (Juno//Chiron//Hades//Zeus) recalled his youth "I
think now I was in the middle [of attractiveness, that is] but I had the
impression I was very low down and so I missed a lot." His novels describe the "exile of an
unattractive underclass". In his novel The Elementary Particles,
he writes "the obese, the old and the ugly are condemned ..women live a
lot longer and suffer a lot more. They
try to trade on their looks, even when they know their bodies are sad and
ugly. They get hurt but they do it
anyway....chakras, crystal healing...They force themselves to believe it but
when the workshop's over they're still ugly, aging and alone (N. Juno//Chiron//Hades//Zeus) 2/26/2956 St. Pierre, Reunion, France)
Philosopher Alan Watts, who popularized
Eastern philosophy in the west, wrote in great and often amusing detail of his dislike of western clothing. "For most of my life I have been in
rebellion against the various riggings of cloth that authority and fashion have
constrained me to wear. It is largely the fault of the British, who have
foisted upon mankind the most ridiculous and uncomfortable forms of dress ever
invented. British stylists have sold their absurd uniforms of tweed and worsted
to the whole world... so that today a Japanese businessman goes about looking
like a bag too large for its contents...the follies of Western man's dress
include the necktie, even when colourful, is
a noose facilitating instant strangulation, and a symbol of servitude....strong
leather shoes, by airless enclosure promote sweat and stink...conventional male
dress is trussing. What about clothes
for women? High-heeled shoes compel
women to walk like inhibited mechanisms...gowns are held together by tiny
irritating devices in unreachable places." (N. Juno//Chiron 12/10/1914
6:10AM Chistlehurst, England)
Poet Carol Ann Duffy compiled an
anthology of clothes poems with the title Out of Fashion. In the introduction, she wrote "these
poems we dress or undress, how we cover up or reveal, and how
clothes, fashion and jewellery (sic) are...a
liberating and repressing part of our lives". Duffy also
wrote a poem entitled "Achilles (for David Beckham)" about his tendon
injury--precisely the spot of Chiron's injury. (N. Juno=Chiron=Hades 13' orb 12/23/1955
11:35pm Glasgow, Scotland)
In Evelyn Waugh's first novel Decline and Fall, (*) the main
character is a student who's punished for running through the college grounds
without his pants, beginning a series of events negatively affecting the rest
of his life. (Juno/Chiron=Aries 2' orb
10/28/1903 10:30 PM London, UK)
and brief quotes by writers and others with Juno/Chiron:
never make passes as girls who wear glasses" Dorothy Parker
(Sun=Juno/Chiron 64H 2' orb - 8/22/1893
9:55PM West End, NJ)
woman in the shape of a monster, a monster in the shape of a woman"...poet
Adrienne Rich (Chiron/Juno=Aries exact 5/191929 3:10PM Baltimore, MD)
ugly is useful"...French writer Pierre
Jules Théophile Gautier (Juno/Chiron=Aries 2' orb; 8/30/1811 2AM Tarbes,
Among his wide range of disciplines (he was
mentioned earlier as instrumental in the conservation movement) John Ruskin was
a critic of art and architecture. As a
conservationist, he favored naturalistic art initially but later became
attracted to Gothic architecture and in particular, grotesques, which are defined
in the art world as the natural distorted into ugliness or caricature. Chiron himself is described as grotesque. "A fine grotesque is the expression...of
truths which would have taken a long time to express in any verbal
way." Ruskin wrote extensively on
grotesques in Italian architecture. (Juno//Chiron 1' orb 2/8/1819 7:30AM
London, UK)
head,- huge, inhuman, and monstrous,- leering in bestial degradation, too foul
to be either pictured or described, or to be beheld for more than an instant:
yet let it be endured for that instant; for in that head is embodied the type
of the evil spirit to which Venice was abandoned in the fourth period of her
decline..."[This head] evidences of a delight in the contemplation of
bestial vice, and the expression of low sarcasm, which is, I believe, the most
hopeless state into which the human mind can fall.
Mary Shelley is remembered for Frankenstein, whose name is synonymous
with ugliness. (Sun=Vulcanus=Juno/Chiron 23' orb 11/30/1797 11:20PM London, UK)
Actors who've portray disfigured
monstrous characters have Chiron pictures, and a number of them have
Juno/Chiron pictures. Mel Gibson's first directorial effort was "Man Without
a Face", about a man disfigured by burns. P. Zeus was 4' from N. Juno. (N. Juno//Chiron 1/3/1956 4:45pm Peeksill, NY
Laughton had P. Vesta=Juno/Chiron when "The Hunchback of Notre Dame"
was released, the symbolism describing quite literally the location of one who
is deformed. Although Lon Chaney did not have the natal
picture, w P. Hades stationed 2' from
J/C, he played "Quasimoto" (the same Hunchback portrayed by Laughton)
as well as "Phantom of the Opera".
(Natal Juno=Chiron=Aries 64 H and N. Saturn conjunct Juno 7/1/1899 6AM)
Lon Chaney 4/1/1883, famous for "Phantom of the
Opera" was born with MC=Juno/Chiron (33' orb). Progressed Hades stationed on the Juno/Chiron
midpoint for many years and was just 2' from exact when he portrayed both
Quasimoto and the phantom. (DOB 4/1/1883
7:24AM Colorado Springs, Co.)
When Max Schreck played Count Orlock, in
the original "Dracula" film, his SR contained Sun=J/C (no more than
30' orb) (N. Chiron/Juno=Aries and Cupido 10' orb; DOB 9/6/1879 Berlin, Germany
Deformed bodies are
the styles of some artists with Juno/Chiron pictures. Sculptor Alberto Giacometti (Moon and Saturn=Juno/Chiron
11') carved human figures with elongated limbs, until they were as thin as
nails. "He would make your head
look like the blade of a knife." Alberto Giacometti Caricaturist Andre Gill
(Sun and Venus=Juno/Chiron 9' orb) drew disproportionately large heads sitting on
undersized bodies
Psychic or physical pain is rendered by some artists with Juno/Chiron
pictures, or at the time when Juno/Chiron appears in a solar return. Edvard
Munch painted "The Scream" in
1893, with SR Juno conjunct Chiron (no more than 30' orb; N. Juno/Chiron=Aries
64H no greater than 16' orb; DOB (12/12/1863 no TOB, Norway). Rick Castro's work focuses on bondage. (Sun=Juno/Chiron
5' orb 7/20/1958 11PM Los Angeles, Ca.)
Vitus' Dance left Andy Warhol with large pink blotches on his skin. He wore conspicuously artificial silver wigs
to distract attention from his baldness.
When P. Jupiter stationed 1' from the natal Juno/Chiron midpoint in 1951,
he won an award for a poster illustrating a TV show on crime. (Juno=Chiron sqq
36' orb 8/6/1928 6:30AM, Pittsburgh, Pa.)
Van Gogh's life and chart illustrate both Vesta/Chiron (he painted alot of what
he saw from his hospital room window) and Juno/Chiron. Born with natal Sun=Juno/Chiron, when he cut
his ear , which he rendered in a painting, T. Chiron was square to his N. Sun, triggering
the Juno/Chiron picture.
symbolizes a form of "found art": using broken or discarded items for
aesthetic purposes. Filmmaker Derek Jarman's
garden was created from the floating wreckage of ships. (Juno/Chiron=Aries 20' 1/31/1942 7:30AM
London, UK)
Legendary Spanish architect Antonio Gaudi incorporated broken glass bottles
and shattered plates to create Barcelona's greatest buildings, park and
cathedral. His work was interrupted by
his death from a street car accident.
Because of his shabby attire at the time of the accident, he was
unrecognized and received inferior care, which probably hastened his death. . N. Juno/Chiron=Aries no greater than 10'
orb; the complete picture is Aries=Mars=Saturn=Juno=Chiron no greater than 1
degree orb. DOB 6/25/1852 no TOB)
Yolanda Sonnabend N. Juno=Cupido=Saturn=Chiron
Designer connected with ballet director whose pieces were "disturbing"
DOB 3/26/1935
Cupido/Chiron is also "disturbing" art
Matisse P. Juno conjunct Chiron
Major surgery results in his not being able to paint; cut-outs become main artistic medium. He also had Cupido/Chiron which is art related to illness
There are instances when harm occurs to a person as a result of a Juno item...or a lack of one
- Natashia Richardson wasn't wearing a ski helmet when she had her accident.
- Ronald Reagan wasn't wearing a bulletproof vest--WHICH HE ORDINARILY WORE--on the day of assassination attempt. T. Chiron=N. Juno
- Michael Hutchence died with belt around his neck (natal chart 64H) Also Juno/Hades
Cosmetic surgery: Prominent in the charts of 2 women known for plastic surgery: Joan Rivers and Phyllis Diller.
- Phyllis Diller has natal Juno/Chiron=Aries (64H
- Joan Rivers
(Neptune/Juno also corresponds with medical activity for appearance)
Is this the health related product or the ruin of her modeling career?
Lee Miller's photo used to advertise Kotex menstrual pads ruined her career
T. Chiron opposite N. Juno exact
P.Uranus=P.Juno 2' orb
P.Juno=P. Apollon 1' orb
Imported "earth shoes"
"the ugly duckling of shoes"
Juno opposite Chiron July 25, 1925
Leona Helmley P. Juno=Chiron
expose about cheating her contractors
Miss America
Yolanda Betbeze Fox
After she won, she was expected to model bathing suits. The competition organizers did not expect her response. "I'm an opera singer, not a pin-up!" and refused to pose in a bathing suit again.
Woman accused of betraying members of the French Resistance during World War II d her head shaved as punishment. Juno=Kronos=Chiron 64H dob 1/5/1918
??? P. Chiron=N. Juno Harry Truman bombing of Hiroshima.
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