Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Random additions: 4/15/2015

T. Sun conjunct N. Hades
Hillary Clinton's father's tombstone is knocked over

From today's obits:
Homaro Cantu N. Ceres=N. Juno
food development and product design for multi faceted food delivery systems.

T. Chiron antiscia N. Pluto 
Last month, Alexander Espalin, an investor in iNG and Moto, sued Mr. Cantu in Cook County Circuit Court. Mr. Espalin, who claimed that he had never received any share of Moto’s profits, alleged that Mr. Cantu had misused restaurant funds to promote his own businesses
(but T. N. Node was conjunct N. Pluto...)

Cosimo de Medici fathered 15 children (3 with mistresses)

Queen Anne of Great Britain Juno=Hades
She was described in her private sickbed as "red and spotted, was rendered something frightful by her negligent dress, and the foot affected was tied up with a poultice and some nasty bandages. . . . What are you, poor mean-like Mortal, thought I, who talks in the style of a Sovereign?" 

Sean Connery Chiron=Hades
“I don’t think there is anything particularly wrong about hitting a woman . An openhanded slap is justified - if all other alternatives fail and there has been plenty of warning. If a woman is a bitch, or hysterical, or bloody-minded continually, then I’d do it.  I think a man has to be slightly advanced, ahead of the woman. I really do - by virtue of the way a man is built, if nothing else. But I wouldn’t call myself sadistic.”
1985: “I haven’t changed my opinion. […] No. Not at all. I don’t think it’s bad, and I think it depends entirely on the circumstances, and if it merits it.

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