Saturday, April 26, 2008

Hillary's win in Pennsylvania and the election in November

On Sunday, April 20th there was a full moon in Scorpio, sextiling Saturn by just one degree. The world's oldest woman turned 115 on that day. Of course Saturn aspects often correspond to events related to older people.

The full moon sextiling Saturn preceded Hillary's win in Pennsylvania. With hindsight, one could conclude that the Saturn contact was an indication that the older or more conservative candidate would be the winner.

Jupiter in Capricorn will be about about a degree away from a trine to Saturn on election day in November and that may also indicate a victory for the older, more conservative candidate--John McCain.

Of course, there will also be a Saturn/Uranus opposition (exact one day before) at the time of the election. Several US presidents were elected during Saturn/Uranus contacts.

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