Monday, July 30, 2018



There is some incidence of pain management professionals with this aspect.

        Samuel Hahnemann, physician best known as the founder of homeopathy, also specialized in pain management.  (N. Chiron square Hades 1 degree 6' orb)

        Astrologer Pat Harris, born with a minor aspect of Chiron=Hades=MC (1' orb 64 Harmonic; she is working on a project with BUPA in England on how astrology can assist in the treatment of patients with chronic pain problems

More commonly, Hades/Chiron corresponds with a variety of unpleasant interactions with others ranging from difficulty in getting along with people, expressed anger, and at its most extreme,  mean acts, or the infliction of pain or harm.  Common among inflictors and victims.  

Natal charts:

Steve Jobs: According to his biography, he was "A great man; he just wasn’t a great human...a selfish, self-centered  man who heaped abuse on everyone around him" (N. Chiron square Hades exact)

"Son of Sam"  Sun=Chiron/Hades 6' orb

The "Butcher of Lyon" Sun=Chiron/Hades 31' orb 

Werner Erhard whose successful training programs included abusive techniques.

Timothy McVeigh Chiron=Hades 4’ orb Born the same day as a terrorism expert!

When McVeigh was born: that day in history:

·        Columbia University protesters took over buildings, shut down the school for 6 days

·        Olympic Committee announces exclusion of South Africa because of apartheid

There’s a long  list of  evil doers (and some victims) with minor aspects of Chiron/Hades


Victim: Gabrielle Gifford, Congressperson, shooting victim


Adolph Hitler N. Chiron=Hades 64H/2' orb

Joseph Goebbels N. Chiron=Hades 64H/1' orb

Charles Manson N. Chiron=Hades 64H/2' orb.

Joseph Stalin N. Aries=Chiron/Hades 14' orb (Chiron=Hades=Aries 25' orb) P. Chiron station=Hades 1904—1907.  He was a terrorist.

Susan Atkins, Manson Family murderer,  N. Aries=Hades/Chiron (64H/1' orb) 

"Butcher of the Balkans" Slobodan Milosevic N. Chiron=Hades 64H/14' orb; N. Sun=Chiron/Hades 64H/13' orb

"The Boston Strangler", serial nurse killer had N. Neptune=Hades/Chiron 64H/7'

O.J. Simpson Hades=Chiron 64H/5' orb

Theses people were born on the same day,  July 21, 1899, with a minor aspect of Hades/Chiron=Aries

·        Ernest Hemingway (suicide)

·        Hart Crane (suicide)

·        Florence Broadhurst (murder victim)

Literature:  “Part of the thrill was knowing that children would cry in the morning.  Life’s tough”  Poet Carol Ann Duffy, Chiron/Hades square 5’ orb

Events when the natal Hades/Chirons was triggered:

Ashley Judd Natal picture triggered by Chiron transit.  Political group released an attack ad when she challenged a Mitch McConnel for US Senate. 

George Westinghouse.  Natal aspect triggered by transiting Chiron.  Westinghouse AC current used for 1st electric chair execution.  He did not want to see the product used that way.  He paid for lawyers to appeal, citing cruel and unusual punishment.  They lost.  It went very badly. “The execution chamber filled with the smell of burning flesh…disgusting, sickening and inhuman”. 

Kylie Minogue Natal picture triggered by progression 1’ orb: Cancer diagnosis “Experiencing a nuclear bomb”; “anger”.  “Not a day goes by that I don’t think about it.  There are days when I feel incredibly angry”. 

When Jeffrey Dahmer committed his 1st murder, T.Chiron was conjunct N. Hades.  He had no natal picture.

Jim Jones had P. Chiron=Chiron/Hades midpoint at the time of Jonestown massacre.

Charles Manson had SA Sun=Chiron/Hades 7’ orb at the time of Tate-LaBianca murders. 

Jim Jones had P. Chiron=N. Chiron/Hades precisely, at the time of the Jonestown massacre.

 James Brown: when P. Hades was just 3' from N. Chiron, he was arrested for beating his wife with a pipe, released on bail and then arrested and imprisoned for assault and attempted murder at a corporate meeting. When P. Hades was stationary with Chiron, exact between 2002 and 2006,  he was again arrested in January 2004 on charges of domestic abuse


Minor aspects:

George Floyd P. Hades=P. Chiron (64 harmonic/approx 1' orb) when he was murdered

Nelson Mandela was arrested with P. Chiron=P. Hades (64 Harmonic, 1' orb)


Planets at the Hades/Chiron midpoint

Moon=Hades/Chiron: Baseball legend Ty Cobb's mother shot and killed his father on s, T. Sun and Uranus were less than 1 degree from N. Moon and the Chiron/Hades midpoint.  Cobb himself was considered a savage player and a mean spirited racist.  He wrote in his autobiography "In legend I am a sadistic, slashing, swashbuckling despot who waged war in the name of sport".  (Moon=Chiron/Hades 6' orb; =Aries 45' orb)

N. Venus=Hades/Chiron

Murdered by her husband, Laci Peterson was born with Venus=Chiron/Hades with a 24' orb.  At the time of her death,  her LR contained Aries=Chiron/Hades 5' orb. 

Ted Bundy, serial killer of young women, born with Venus=Chiron/Hades 1' orb with Mars just 16' away. 

Robert Levy, father of murder victim Chandra Levy, had N. Venus =Chiron/Hades 9' orb. 

When Jessica Hahn when she was raped her SR Venus=Hades/Chiron


"The Queen of Mean", Leona Helmsley (18' orb)

JFK assassin Lee Harvey Oswald (13' orb) 



Abducted while on a trip. Natalee Holloway (Natal chart: 22 1/2 approx 3' orb)


Jullian Assange  (22 1/2 - 11' orb)


Boston Strangler killed nurses. (64H/7')

Natalie Wood major aspect 5’ orb

Sidney Powell QAnon conspiracy theoriest/pusher Hades square Chiron 2 degree orb with Kronos and Poseidon at the midpoint 

"Pentagon Shooter" John Patrick Bedell (N. Kronos=Pluto=Pallas=Hades/Chiron (64H/7')


World's tallest woman 7'7". N. Kronos=Hades/Chiron (64H/7')


European Red Army Terrorist Christian Klar terrorist

N. Poseiden=Pallas=Zeus=Hades/Chiron (64H/all within 11' orb)  Christian Klar


Current events:

T. Chiron conjunct their natal Hades (no natal aspects, recent contact)

“I have been canceled.  Just like that.  I could not have imagined the words “collateral damage” would be applied to me.  And along with it has come an unanticipated sense of grave danger”  Frank Langella T. Chiron conjunct N. Hades

Alan Dershowitz book released “The Story of my Cancellation.” He received e-mail from reader:telling him a reader was beaten up for reading the book.


Ex Canadian PM "no longer recognized" himself in the party due to it seemingly shifting to the right on certain issues


Princess Eugenie: Father settles lawsuit/ousted by family


Together, Chiron/Hades corresponds with instances of:

·        Difficulty getting along with others; range: meanspirited to violent
·        Harm/pain to others; harm/pain to oneself 

         Some incidence of  pain management  

George Floyd P. Hades=P. Chiron 64H/approx 1' orb when he was murdered

Sidney Powell QAnon conspiracy theoriest/pusher Hades square Chiron 2 degree orb with Kronos and Poseidon at the midpoint 

James Brown, N. Chiron ssq Hades 35' orb.
 In 1988, when P. Hades was just 3' from N. Chiron, he was arrested for beating his wife with a pipe, released on bail and then arrested and imprisoned for assault and attempted murder at a corporate meeting. When P. Hades was stationary with Chiron, exact between 2002 and 2006,  he was again arrested in January 2004 on charges of domestic abuse. (May 3, 1933 12:10PM Barnwell, SC)

"Son of Sam" serial killer David Berkowitz was born with N. Sun=Chiron/Hades 6' orb (June 1, 1953 4:52AM Brooklyn, NY)

The "Butcher of Lyon", Klaus Barbie, illustrates a most extreme manifestation (Sun=Chiron/Hades 31' orb; October 25, 1913 7AM Bad Godesberg, Germany)

And somewhere in the middle is Steve Jobs According to his biography, he was "A great man; he just wasn’t a great human...a selfish, self-centered  man who heaped abuse on everyone around him" (N. Chiron square Hades exact; February 24, 1955 7:24PM San Francisco, California)

News events during Chiron/Hades transits sometimes reflect the symbolism, and sometimes even include wounded healers:

·        Doctor who assaulted sedated patient must pay $3.5 million in damages.
·        Fight against limiting medical malpractice suit won in Senate
·        Witchdoctor who claims to bring patients good luck with the use of ammonia went on trial for sneaking toxic cleanser on plane and sickening passengers

In December 2007, two front page shootings occurred:

·         On December 5th in Omaha when Chiron and Hades were 12’ from exact, the "Omaha Shootings" occurred.  At the time of the shooting, T. Hades was approximately 2' from an exact conjunction to the shooter's Chiron.  (DOB 5/17/1988)

·        On December 9th, Chiron and Hades were just 4' away from an exact sesquare, when the "Colorado Shootings" occurred. Although these examples are compelling, there are countless examples of people with Hades/Chiron in their natal charts who were not murderers. And neither the Omaha nor the Colorado shooter had Chiron/Hades aspects in their solar charts.

Nanking Massacre T. Hades=T. Chiron=T. Kronos began 12/13/193
Perhaps the most notorious atrocity was a killing contest between two Japanese officers  The 
contest – a race between the two officers to see which could kill 100 people first using only a sword –
was covered much like a sporting event with regular updates on the score over a series of days.

  • When Jeffrey Dahmer committed his first murder, T. Chiron was conjunct natal Hades.  (May 21, 1960 4:34PM Milwaukee, Wisconson).  
  • Jim Jones had P. Chiron=N. Chiron/Hades precisely, at the time of the Jonestown massacre.
  •   Charles Manson's P. Sun=Chiron/Hades 7' orb, when the Tate-LaBianca murders were committed

People born on the same day, with parallel events are always interesting.  Born on the same day, July 21, 1899, with Hades/Chiron=Aries <11 o:p="" orb="" were:="">

·        Ernest Hemingway (suicide)
·        Hart Crane (suicide)
·        Florence Broadhurst (murder victim)

Natal planets at the Chiron/Hades midpoint are also illustrative:

Baseball legend Ty Cobb's mother shot and killed his father on August 8, 1905.  Born with N. Moon=Chiron/Hades, T. Sun and Uranus were less than 1 degree from N. Moon and the Chiron/Hades midpoint.  Cobb himself was considered a savage player and a mean spirited racist.  He wrote in his autobiography "In legend I am a sadistic, slashing, swashbuckling despot who waged war in the name of sport".  (Moon=Chiron/Hades 6' orb; =Aries 45' orb; December 18, 1886 6:13AM Banks County, Ga.)

Galeazzo Maria Sforza  was  Duke of Milan before  he was  assassinated; 

notorious for being cruel and tyrannical.   Galeazzo Maria Sforza  was  Duke of Milan before  he was  assassinated;notorious for being cruel and tyrannical; that he took sadistic pleasure in devising tortures for men who had offended him, and that he enjoyed pulling apart the limbs of his enemies with his own hands.
 His brother had Mercury=Chiron/Hades (Ludovico Forza Duke of Milan)
 as well as Mercury=Chiron/Kronos (bad leadership involving sibling in this instance Galeazzo Maria had Hades=Kronos

Toni Giancana, daughter of Mafia kingpin Sam Giancana, wrote an autobiography entitled "Mafia Princess".  (Mercury=Chiron/Hades 10' orb; June 23, 1935 3:5 AM, Chicago Ill)

Ludovico Forza Duke of Milan
His brother Galeazzo Maria Sforza  was  Duke of Milan before  he was  assassinated; 
notorious for being cruel and tyrannical.   
Ludovico had Mercury=Chiron/Kronos (bad leadership involving sibling in this instance

and Mercury=Chiron/Hades (meanspirited)

Murdered by her husband, Laci Peterson was born with Venus=Chiron/Hades with a 24' orb.  At the time of her death,  her LR contained Aries=Chiron/Hades 5' orb.  (5/4/1975 4:44 am PDT Modesto, California)

Ted Bundy, serial killer of young women, was also born with Venus=Chiron/Hades 1' orb with Mars just 16' away.  ( Nov. 24, 1946 10:35PM, Burlington, Vermont); and Robert Levy, father of murder victim Chandra Levy, had N. Venus just 9' from the Chiron/Hades midpoint.  (January 16, 1946 4AM Columbus, Ohio)

Born with Mars=Chiron/Hades were "T
he Queen of Mean", Leona Helmsley (18' orb) and Kennedy assassin Lee Harvey Oswald (13' orb)  (Helmsley 18' orb; July 4, 1920 6AM Marbletown, NY; Oswald 13' orb; October 18, 1939 9:55 PM New Orleans, La)

Vesta=Hades/Chiron was in a concentration camp
(Vesta trine Hades and Vesta trine Chiron) 10/1/1927

On the bright side, pain management specialists can have natal Chiron/Hades contacts as well.  Samuel Hahnemann, physician best known as the founder of homeopathy, also specialized in pain management.  (N. Chiron square Hades 1 degree 6' orb; April 7, 1755 11:59PM Meissen Germany), as does astrologer Pat Harris, born with a minor aspect of Chiron=Hades=MC (1' orb 64 Harmonic; May 20, 1953, 11:58AM Bradford, England).


Nelson Mandela was arrested on August 5, 1962, with P. Chiron=P. Hades (64 Harmonic, 1' orb; DOB July 18, 1918 2:54PM Mvezo, South Africa)

The list of  evildoers with minor aspects of Chiron/Hades (64th Harmonic; 5 degrees 38'; the little dot on the dial)
is compelling. 

Adolph Hitler N. Chiron=Hades 64H/2' orb

Joseph Goebbels N. Chiron=Hades 64H/1' orb

Charles Manson N. Chiron=Hades 64H/2' orb.

Susan Atkins, Manson Family murderer,  N. Aries=Hades/Chiron (64H/1' orb  May 7, 1948 1:03am California

"Butcher of the Balkans" Slobodan Milosevic N. Chiron=Hades 64H/14' orb; N. Sun=Chiron/Hades 64H/13' orb (August 20, 1941 10PM Pozarevac, Serbia)

Joseph Stalin N. Aries=Chiron/Hades 14' orb (Chiron=Hades=Aries 25' orb) December 18, 1878 12:PM  P. Chiron station =Hades 64H exact 1904--1907

"The Boston Strangler", serial nurse killer had N. Neptune=Hades/Chiron (64H/7'; September 3, 1931 11:58AM Chelsea MA

O.J. Simpson Hades=Chiron 64H/5' orb

N. Kronos=Pluto=Pallas=Hades/Chiron (64H/7')
"Pentagon Shooter" John Patrick Bedell DOB 5/20/1973 NT

N. Kronos=Hades/Chiron (64H/7')
World's tallest woman 7'7". DOB 6/18/1955

N. Poseiden=Pallas=Zeus=Hades/Chiron (64H/all within 11' orb)
Christian Klar terrorist, leading member of the Red Army Faction in Europe
DOB 5/20/1952 7:03 PM Freiburg im breisgau, Germany

Jeffrey Dahmer first murder T. Chiron conjunct N. Hades

N. Hades=Chiron (64/3)
Gabrielle Gifford, Congressperson, shooting victim

Picasso natal picture.  He was a devotee of Marquis de Sade
Ted Bundy natal picture

SR Venus=Hades/Chiron Jessica Hahn when she was raped

N. Jupiter=Hades/Chiron (22 1/2 approx 3' orb)
Abducted while on a trip. Natalee Holloway DOB 10/21/1986

N. Jupiter=Hades=Chiron (64H/10' orb)
Philip Markoff Craig's List Killer DOB 2/12/1986

Badass Dutch gangster
N. Aries/Sun/Jupiter=Chiron/Hades; Wim Holledeer May 29, 1958

N. Neptune=Hades/Chiron (64H/7')
Boston Strangler killed nurses. DOB 9/3/1931 11:58AM Chelsea MA

Uranus=Hades/Chiron (22 1/2 - 11' orb)
Jullian Assange DOB 7/3/1971

N. Kronos=Pluto=Pallas=Hades/Chiron (64H/7')
"Pentagon Shooter" John Patrick Bedell DOB 5/20/1973 NT

N. Kronos=Hades/Chiron (64H/7')
World's tallest woman 7'7". DOB 6/18/1955

N. Poseiden=Pallas=Zeus=Hades/Chiron (64H/all within 11' orb)
Christian Klar terrorist, leading member of the Red Army Faction in Europe
DOB 5/20/1952 7:03 PM Freiburg im breisgau, Germany

Mateen; ISIS Orlando shooting (also Sun=Mars

Raw notes


?? Swedenbourg spiritual experience p. chiron=p. hades exact

Natalie Wood
(also Neptune=Saturn/Chiron)

??   "Outlaw country" musician Willie Nelson's P. Hades came to N. Chiron in 1972, he left Nashville, where he wasn't well regarded, at the time when his home burned down.  (Willie Nelson Chiron ssq Hades 37' orb; Chiron=Hades=Admetos;  4/30/1933 12:30AM Abbott, Texas)

P. Chiron=Hades 1' orb at the time of a rap

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